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Reviews for "Schmuck'em Chuck'em Robots"

I generally suck at these games, but this one was fun! Kinda easy to spam x+z buttons, and bots are weak to doorway attacks, but first boss looks intimidating. I might train up for this one. Music is awesome as well!

Great game feel out of this. I love that even when you're just punching baddies zoomin' around it's still just as fun as when you're just traversing room to room. Good job on this one!

Really really fun game! There is a glitch when entering a new level, the game freezes for a second a make a buzz sound, maybe the way you spawn the enemies has to do with it.
Great game with a lot of potential

Pretty decent beat-em-up with an interesting clay aesthetic to it! The game is a little simplistic in terms of combat mechanics, but it still feels satisfying to wallop an enemy due to the good feedback, so it works out. Some of the enemies like the pyramid heads were little balls of punching fury that were difficult to get close to at times: not sure what the ideal strategy for those were, felt like I just had to get lucky, perhaps could use some more visual language to see when they are vunerable. Boss was a little lackluster as well: wanted something to have a good rumble with but instead you just gotta make it walk over spikes (its wearing spike shoes, wouldn't it be immune haha) which seemed a bit awkward at times to get right. It really felt like the game could've had something really interesting going with the way you can dash into enemies to make them pinball and then punch them for a critical hit combo, similar to Lethal League, but it doesn't feel fully fleshed out in this for any combos I got from that felt like it was just luck: would love to see a game fully embrace this mechanic!

As a side note: what does picking up the bolts that are left behind by enemies do? I thought at first that they might be points or health, but it doesn't look to have any effect from what I can tell.

i love it