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Reviews for "Defective"


Thats movie was such a Waste of my time.(i think i fell asleep twice..) But, it was very good work so keep it up!


i did read the giver for a 6th to 7th grade book report. since im still in seventh grade i remember it pretty well. I enjoyed the book as well as i enjoyed the movie. It did have a VERY deep story and it was fun to watch. ALTHOUGH, the movie got stuck on when the girl Suzy woke up and he went to sit by her bed but it just kept making footstep noises, and never actually went on. I'm not sure if it was sopposed to be like that or not. If it was, I am not suprised at all, because I make my own movies (which always get deleted of newgrounds :( ) and I know how LOOOONG and BOOOOORING the prcess can get. And I know that once you make like a chapter you want to send it to newgrounds as fast as you can. I was suprised when you busted out 3 (or more, it got stuck) chapters instead of the regular one. GOOD JOB, GOOD LUCK, GOOD MOVIE!

A work of art.

Up until the hospital scene, it was great. Sadly, that scene froze for me too. Could you possibly fix that problem?

conseptualy great

if u had spent more time on the presintation of it, eg: verbaly narrating instead of typing it, it would have been better. also i don't realy think that the majority of ng is realy into anything this deep so therefore ur message(if u ment to have 1) will probubly be lost


very goth right there, but thank god there was a skip button,helped with gettin by the WHOLE MOVIE