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Reviews for "[BTNverse] Curse of the eastern god"

An interesting experience that I enjoyed, but is marred by a few frustrating points. The chest blocking your way which requires you to go back and touch the left side of the screen can be really confusing: most players will not expect to have to do that since it's not intuitive that it would have any effect since they already know going back is useless, and they'd probably assume they are stuck and reset the game to try again or just stop completely in frustration. The last chase scene was really cool, but it kinda took a long time to get to it in the first place, and it wasn't clear whether it was even winnable: I tried it three times but couldn't find a way through: if it does expect you to do more attempts than that despite the end being a brick wall that didn't seem to change from my subsequent runs, that might be asking too much from the player. Cool music and presentation, however, made it a unique and cool journey!

adriendittrick responds:

Thanks for the kind review :)
Also yes,the game is meant to be frustrating and confusing, I basically built it as a gamer torture experiment X)

Its a Pretty Game, but i just wanna bash my Keyboard because of that Stupid Hat Section, im having Issues Jumping over this Thing!

I figured, but its extremely vague and annoying.

adriendittrick responds:

The hat is not meant to be jumped over :p

That finale was incredibly lazy. Forcing the player to get through a level that is literally unbeatable is already pretty bad. Forcing them to suicide without a readily available method to do so, other than having to wait on a timer, is worse. Forcing them to do it multiple times? Pushing it. Also, this is more of a personal thing, but I HATE games that drive the whole "Oh well actually, this IS a game, and you should feel bad for wanting to enjoy PLAYING, you simpleton, you!"

If I wanted to get scorned for playing videogames, I'd talk to my family; I don't want the videogames themselves doing it.

adriendittrick responds:

thanks for the thoughtful review :)

The finale is lazy mostly because I only had 48 hours to make this game, so I ran out of time.
Also I'm not really scolding the player for playing video games, it's the opposite message that I had in mind actually :p

The bad guy is the one scolding you.

Can't go backwards, hit a chest that requires $10, I only had $1, so I got stuck.

adriendittrick responds:

Did you TRY going backwards though? I don't think you did :p