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Reviews for "FANTASTIC shootout =)"

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Add some more detail to this (like faces) and it would be pretty good.

BazzMann responds:

See, i thought adding faces would make it excellent, and its pretty good as is... but i definately see where youre getting at! My friends thought exactly the same thing, and I wil in my next movie. But even though urs was a good review, why did you give me a 0 for sound, and yet a 8 for Violence even thou it really isnt that violent...? aah well, cheers anyway!

Not bad

You reviewd my movie nicely, and i will do the same, you did quite well on the special effects, but not so well on the graphics, but don't give up, put a story in your movie, and keep on animating!

BazzMann responds:

Thanks! A well-rounded, honest review! This is what I like to see... unfortunately I made the movie ages ago... I think youll be impressed with my next submission (Im writing this probably like 3 months after making this old movie...), its a collaberative project with one of my friends, and we have worked for months to get a good balance of great artwork and fine animation... so far its about 6 minutes long, and still under a MB big! It'll be ready within a month, so keep your eyes peeled! Thanks again for a great review, its nice to see some decent people on NG

pretty good 4 a n00b

keep trying

the graphics were shotty and there wasnt any plot everything else w2as good though

BazzMann responds:

What part of the plot didnt you understand? Guy A wants to kill Guy B. Meanwhile Guy B wants to kill Guy A. Guy's C and D get killed in the process. Simple as, man! Well, cheers for the review. For 10x better graphics, sound, and a storyline that even u could appreciate, check out the Barry Vs Raphael movie I made most recently!


Sparky, the good people of newgrounds didn't blam you for no reason. If they blammed this movie before, it's because they think it sucks. Unfortunately, I am inclined to agree.

Graphics: Just shit. No, really, alotta those guys' hair coulda been turds. I mean it.

Sound: Hot pop & fizz action! I thought I was listening to Alka-Seltzer.

Violence: Plenty of it. Problem is, that's all you really had goin' for ya.

Tough luck, Sparky. If you got blammed before, you should take that as a hint and go put some effort into it before you submit next time. Or mayhap take up knitting.

BazzMann responds:

Youre reviewing is pretty good in terms of score, so why do you sound like a complete pratt in your writing? If you can make something better, submit it bitch! And just TRY and be as good at actionscript as me, keepin in mind im a 15-year old student! We got ourselves a prick, ladies and gentlemen!

Well, since it's your first...

I gave you a 2. I can tell that it took a lot of time and effort and it's a damn fine first run. However, you broke quite a few rules of newgrounds etiquette with the film. First, no story just guns. Not always a bad thing but your graphics aren't at place !YET! where they can hold up an animation on their own. Next, the Matrix thing - personally, I think the whole slow motion thing is overplayed and used too much anyway, but then you pull out the old Matrix bullet dodge and my hand suddenly takes over and wants to click 0. I will say, that I'm sure this took quite a long time and I'm glad that you learned as much about motion tweening and sound events as you did before you threw in your first submission. All said, it was good. Not worth more than a 2, but it was good. A little more effort toward the graphics and the addition of a plot, you'll be there.

BazzMann responds:

Cheers mate, granted you gave me a '2' on the vote, and '3' on the review, but at least you THOUGHT before you wrote it! Thank god, there are some intelligable Newgrounds reviewers out there... and I appreciate the critisism... I will work on making a kickass brand new movie later this month... over my lonely xmas ;)