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Reviews for "FANTASTIC shootout =)"

It's not THAT bad.

Sure the graphics suck, but I doubt if I could do better. The sound is okay, but it was wierd that a clip hitting the ground makes a big *THUMP* sound. It was a bit goofy when the characters moved around, too. The biggest let down was that there weren't any innocent bystanders getting shot, or structural damage.

Eh, I say it's a three at best, two at worst.

BazzMann responds:

YES! A 6, by someone who sounds like they have reviewed fairly... actually, i personally dont think i earned the 6, but hey, horses for courses! if you like my work, expect more of it! And now that ive realised there IS sensible life on NG, expect lots more effort, and structural damage! Laters, and thanks!

talk about some thick trash cans

dude the machinegun needs some viagra
nice shootout better than stick shit

BazzMann responds:

LOL! Yeah, thats what my frends said, but im not a realist! Dont worry, far more killing comin atcha soon! and my next 1 might actually b violent! I agree wiv stick hating now too, but keep in mind its a great way to learn/perfect flash... just not to submit!

everybody in this movie need practice!

It was a "nice" movie but! damm! these guys r really bad aiming! except 4 da sissy who shot in the back of that lonely cop!

BazzMann responds:

Good review, except yet again someone has overlooked the violence rating... this doesnt deserve a 10! it only has one part with blood! but thanks mate, and youre the first that has made a comment about the content, and not just the design, whether or not it is a good or a bad thing, well done!

Oh I am so gunna BLAM you

Im just kiddin. This aint the best but I dont think it's Blamworthy. Plus, you al,ready made it past the threshold.
=================== ===
Now for REAL input,
-Add faces, when the popo was flying over the walls, It looked like he was goin backwards the way the helmet/hat was drawn. Even if it's just eyes.
-I liked the fading to white, use appropriately.
-Dont just show people shooting with a flashing background, it looks bad.
-Add a story, like a robber shooting at a bank
-Use more of the Blurry effects (like the trails when the dude runs)
-Dont call it fantastic
Y ou wanted input, there you go.

BazzMann responds:

dont scare a man like that with a title with 'BLAM' in it! my first instinct was "oh no, another prick writing 'yOu SuX DiC COkFuKKuR, BLAMmED' ". But to my surprise, you had a good, well-rounded review (EXCEPT THE 9 FOR VIOLENCE!!!) and some really good constructive critisism... Ill make doubly sure to include your ideas in my next move... I might even put a pair of eyes in!

Good Work

I was very tempted to title my review "You suck monster cock" just to see your reaction, but I refrained...
Good work, I see you've added a lot So what next? On of the guys follows the other into a 12 story car park and the swat team follows them in?
that would be cool...

BazzMann responds:

why thanks my intelligable, flash-capable friend... next up, in case you havnt bothered to read all of my previous reviews, I am making a NEW, IMPROVED, and SPECTACULAR movie, with better graphics, SFX, animation, and a storyline including the Great Mr. Gates! Watch the portal... its coming soon!