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Reviews for "Khonjin House Game"

Good art style and such
it's just a Khonjin Episode but with old retro graphics
story was OK

I assume the game is supposed to... work

Objectively, this game is bad, although you guys are already aware of this fact. That said, I wish there was a bit more than walking left or right before falling, even just going to another floor. But I can't. I reach the...escalator?...and fall, or jump fruitlessly, to a Try Again screen.

I'll be completely honest

This game started my drinking problems

seems kinda funny but i die every time i walk up to the first ladder.
if thats intentional, i feel like you could have made it more clear or like had us die to some sort of hazard instead of just falling through the floor.
i get the concept i guess, i just feel like this would be much better as a movie given that theres basically 0 gameplay besides the dialogue