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Reviews for "Con-Quest! Poké-con (Version 0.04)"

This is a good game, that easily can be come a great game. If it can get rid of it's one weakness. Which is the boss difficulty that nearly dark souls level difficult. I feel that many people will drop the game because they will not know how much they will have to grind to beat the bosses. Which is big problem in the first boss because once you beat pikachu girl you can't grind anymore, which if you are underleved because you don't know how hard the bosses are or if are unlucky for pikachu girl to randomly get uncursed, then your fucked and people may down the game because these. I don't know how you would make it so this these not happen but It's need to be fixed but beside that this is a good game, one of my favourites on newgrounds and keep up the good work.

CuddlePitGames responds:

Personally I like the difficultly but I have been thinking about writing a game guide that will reveal some tricks and play styles that will make short work of just about any boss you fight.

Thanks for playing!

good game how do i get the stickers and shit

CuddlePitGames responds:

Right outside of the convention hall (The room with all the cars) you will find two gashapon machines.

Thanks for playing!

fun distraction, for what it is it's enjoyable and achieves at what it sets out to do.

though with the emphasis on grinding it really slows down progression, and when you're ahead on updates makes the latest foe really easy to deal with.

though one thing i want to say is it doesn't make sense when:
A) the girls run away when already nude complaining their clothes got ripped when that encounter they never had any. speaking of which i think the ripping escalates a bit too much, of course it'll be difficult to fix now but 3 steps to nude would of fit better for the 3 phases of the retreats.
B) the translucent cock, just looks weird and came out of nowhere the first time, it's said to be the partners but we never see them, and if the reason for that is we're in their point of view does that mean he's just in the ceiling? IDK, just add a partner standing outside who's male then it'd make more sense.
C) the shinnies just use the stickers models, after you see the different characters cosplay as the stickers for the pokemon you don't expect them to be anywhere else, caught me by surprise.

looking forward to the next release though, nice way to kill time.

CuddlePitGames responds:

A) This is done for a reason. I wanted the last form to be completely nude so that the player can get a good look while in combat.

B) There is a story reason for this. And in general my mantra is Fun > Making total sense. If my goal was to make a game that made total sense I wouldn't have make a game where wizards and girls in cursed costumes run around all over the place like a bunch of weirdos.

C) This was done because of time limitations on our release. We try to finish an update every month so some features have to be cut in order to make our deadline. Eventually each shiny cosplayer will have exclusive artwork.

Thanks for playing!

The game has good art and I enjoy the cut scenes, but the grind of combat is very tedious. I especially like the variety in cosplayers, it's not just the same body with different faces.

Here are a few observations on the combat system:
For most battles (the exception being the rare "shiny" cosplayers) letting the girl escape is good for you and bad for them. You go first and they lose their turn by escaping. It's not hard to find them again and if you need healing this gives you time to recuperate. Rather, if the girl escapes, she should heal partially or fully for the next battle.
The girls run away when a hit causes them to drop from fully clothed to torn or torn to nude status, but a hit taking them from fully clothed all the way to nude doesn't frighten them. The girl should definitely run when losing almost all HP in one hit, and possibly keep fighting if they have more HP than the "hero."

Here is a save for those looking to avoid a lot of the "grind" but still play the game. It has a level 60 character with 50% resistance, but none of the cosplayers have been defeated so the only random scenes done are with Faye and Vanilla. Everything else is still to be done.


CuddlePitGames responds:

I agree that the combat can be a bit tedious however wouldn't having cosplayers recovering thier hp after battle just make the combat take longer to complete. And make the game even more grindy?

I've been thinking of a few things to add to mix things up. Thanks for playing!