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Reviews for "Inspired"

Nice job my man!

Spinalpalm responds:

thanks dude! :D

Inspirational stuff.

Did I get it right: if you limit your child from PC, he would flow his creativity to something else? D:

So, did you ever land an actual job in the field??

Spinalpalm responds:

Yee!~ :) I just got done finishing something thats up on netflix now and Ive also done some work for other studios including even Disney here and there ~

For a short about somebody's journey to become an artist, there wasn't much story to get invested in.

Don't get me wrong. It has structure and plot, but it's missing character. I wanted to see more of this guy and get to know his personality. Maybe even see how his isolation is effecting him, and if not that than some other emotional conflict. Just something to make me care about him.

Good. Well drawn and animated. Maybe a little stiff on some parts but overall great.

I recommend.