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Reviews for "Anna and Bruno's Birthday Run"

What did she think of the blood spatter? It's a good game, brutally simple... a mix of cuteness and the joy of only having one life to lose, kinda like sweet and sour.

SeethingSwarm responds:

I always enjoy adding some sort of twist into my games, especially the cute ones, and with this game it turned out to be the way Anna and Bruno dies :P

She's used to my games and although she was shocked the first time she saw it, she wasn't really too surprised. She did help to design the Acid Bunny games after all. The blood and death sounds make it just a bit more heart-breaking for her whenever she dies, hehe :)

Glad you liked it!

Basic running game. Didn't really play for that long, it's the kinda game I'd play on my phone in a waiting room. Mechanics go well. Sorta disappointing that you can't jump through the platforms.

I've seen much worst, and so good job.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Yeah it's a super simple game. Only had 4 days to put it all together! Well, I'm glad you sort of liked it anyway :)

Nice idea and lovely music packed together into a simple jump-and-run game.

However, I would not recommend it "for everyone", because of the blood and the squashing noise.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Oh, yeah that's true, I changed it now to ages 13+
Thank you! I'm glad you like the idea and music, but only 2 stars? Damn :(

Are you ready for another endless high score adventure game?
"YAYYYY!!!" - Children
Wanna play something that randomizes levels and follows no specific pattern at all?
How bout one that adds new levels to make it interesting?
"BOOOO!!! (shut your mouth!!)"
Make it harder as you get further in instead of leaving it the same difficulty throughout the run?
"BOOOO!!! (Is he insane!?!)"
The kids are annoying the gamers. Perhaps we should lower their sound effect volume and remove them off display to make it less distracting.
"He wants to take us out of the picture! It's him or us - Kill him!!!"
Wait, that's not what I- AUGGGHHH!!!!



You have no idea how annoying those children are... seriously... But if you can manage to look past that then Anna and Bruno's Birthday Run is an average game. The game will auto scroll itself - The object is to collect as many presents, doggie treats, and birthday cakes as possible before you die. You play as the dog (not the child) in this endless high score adventure. Keep going until you've had enough.

The controls really easy controls to matter, and is arguably one of the best part of the game. The art style is also enjoyable despite how little there is. Double-jump functions as smoothly as spreading margarine on toast. There's even a hidden easter egg where if you press Space the dog barks. All of these are really enjoyable features to the game.

But after 30 seconds, everything falls apart quickly when you begin to realize that it's only the one grassy plains level that randomizes itself every playthrough. You can die in one of two ways: either by touching a thorn bush, or falling off the level, both of which have the dog and the little girl implode into bits of blood & gore for NO REASON! The game get's boring after about 30 points in because it's the same thing over and over again, with little-to-no variation. Sometimes the randomizer will help you too much by giving you 4 doors in a row on the second platform. And sometimes it will hinder you by placing thorns on the highest platform, which is more difficult to jump over than it should be only because your character can't go off-screen.
More issues with this game...

- Game rating needs to be changed to Teen for it's use of blood, and violence on children. Recommend doing so before the game gets flagged.
- Jumping on a balloon can sometimes cause your character to bounce off-screen. There is no fix for this, and you must restart your game. (100% confirmed bug)
- Same f***ing song the entire game. Though it's nice to have a mute button, it still makes the creator look lazy for not including a variety. And muting the music also mutes the game sounds.

Honestly, I think this would have been better off as a non-auto scrolling platformer game, with fixed levels, enemies to get in your way, more obstacles, and just overall smaller character and platform sizes to allow you to fit it all in. It also would have greatly benefited to have multiple level themes, like snowy mountains, meadows, mansion, night time, etc. These are all just examples. What we actually got was a game that will only be remembered by two people. You can read the author comments to know who those two people are. As for the rest of us gamers, the replay value is extremely low for it's overall lack of content.

The final verdict for Anna and Bruno's Birthday Run is a 5 out of 10 - it is average in every sense of the word. Good introduction, amazing controls, and lovely graphics, followed by lack of adventure, lazy level design, and it's unintentional purpose to troll players for collecting items on the other side of the coin. This game is proof that running around as a cute animal doesn't make it a perfect game. And if you do think it's amazing then I dare you to get a high score of 100.

Final Verdict: 5 out of 10
NG Rating: 2.5 Stars

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks for the in-depth review. I'm glad you liked the art :)
It's extremely difficult to make any game in 4 days. I'm sorry if you think the level design was lazy, but there was nothing lazy about this at all. It was simple time constraints that got in the way :(

Still, I appreciate your feedback and criticism.
Oh and thanks for the heads-up about the age rating! It's been changed.

This game needs some code fixes.

For one, the random generation needs tweaked. I would go for a very long time without any pick ups whatsoever. This happened about three times. The doors are *extremely* inconsistent too. I would run into a ton of them, one after another, or see three all at once. And then all of a sudden, they stopped and I literately would not see another door for the rest of the game. . . . . Also, there were two different occasions where the only platforms that spawned were two very small ones, both with thorns on them. This definitely didn't feel fair. And sometimes when I would be on the very bottom platform, two platforms above would collide, thus pushing me off. The balloons could even be a nuisance at times, though they are much harder to explain. It's really something you would have to see. But I know at some point I had to make a very far jump to the next platform, and in the middle of the sky were two balloons. I tried to make the jump over them but due to the distance, jumped right into them. Instead of bouncing me up, I got pushed backwards and died.

Secondly, the jumps really need fixed. Sometimes when running off a platform, it wouldn't let me jump. Sometimes it would. Likewise the exact same thing happened with balloons. Sometimes when bouncing off a balloon, I just couldn't jump, and I'd fall to my death. And other times, the game would just glitch by not letting me perform a double jump. This didn't happen as often as the other two circumstances, but it still caused me a few deaths.

And thirdly, why isn't there a pause button? That's a necessity, especially in a runner game like this. I get that the doors can act as one, but like I mentioned up above, they would soon stop spawning for me in the game.

Anyway, it's very cute. I love that you make the dog crouch down. That's something I always expect to do as a dog, but hardly anyone thinks of adding it in. I wish I could make him bark though. That would add to the cute.

SeethingSwarm responds:

I'm glad you liked the crouching ability for Bruno the dog. Oh, and you actually CAN make him bark. It's a bit of an easter egg. Just press spacebar :)

There is no way the balloons can make you bounce backwards or forwards. They only bounce you upwards and your momentum carries you froward or backwards, depending on which direction you were already moving in. Some platform must have pushed you backwards, or there must have been some other issue. I'm not sure why you have trouble jumping and double jumping. I've never had issues with those, but I'm sorry you've had some troubles with this game and I apologize. Have you tried playing the game in a different browser? And yeah, the platforms, doors, presents, balloons, thorn bushes etc are all very random! It's definitely a bit of a chaotic game. I made this game in only 4 days and there's only so much one person can do in 4 days.

Only 1.5 stars? Damn. Comparing this game with other games that take months to create is a bit unfair. I wish some people can rather see this game in context. Maybe I'm just being too sensitive and over-protective of this little piece of sentimentality.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback!