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Reviews for "Anna and Bruno's Birthday Run"

Very entertaining game This game reminds me, very much, of the Bionicle Toa Mata Platform Game from the Toa Mata Nestlé Promo CD - a promotional item found in many Nestlé cereal boxes back in 2001. I've had the pleasure of playing that game when I was much younger. The similarities are unmistakable: the scrolling platforms, the increasing difficulty as you get to the later stages of the game. It's probably just a coincidence though.

I commend you on how charming this game is. I especially like your choice of music and the cute visuals (even the bloody splatter when you plummet to your inevitable death or hit a thorn is kind of cute). I also like how the platforms are randomised. It seems people don't like this but everyone would be bored to death if all the same platforms appear each time. It is unfair sometimes (I got a high score of 99 on my second play-through after missing an impossible jump, for example) but that's just the way it is. I have no problems with that.

I will raise some points that I found annoying - mostly the balloons. It's quite frustrating when you're on a platform and you don't really want to step on a balloon but you bounce of it anyway. I thought, at first, that the balloons were either poppable things (they weren't; stomping on them multiple times didn't do anything) or something you could use to help you, which is true in some instances but for the most part they were a nuisance bouncing you around when you don't want them to. I'm not saying get rid of the balloons; they're part of the game's charm, but I do hope they weren't so annoying and bouncy when the dog's paws are already on a platform. Nonetheless, this wasn't really such a huge hamper to the game's enjoyment.

I don't really have too many negative things to say about this game. It's plays like one of those viral mobile games - simple and easy but not really too interesting; the only thing keeping you playing is the prospect of beating your high score. And for that reason I agree with CyberDevil that you could add a leaderboard.

Another suggestion I have in mind is to have unlockables, similar to what theplayer234 said. New backgrounds would work really well. Maybe the platforms could be made to look different too, e.g. snow instead of grass and sharp icicles instead of thorns. I remember the Bionicle game I played had unlockable backstory cutscenes for each character when you collected all the things you had to and finished their part of the game... if I remember correctly. I'm thinking too much here, but you get my point. It's fun as it is but adding more stuff would make it better.

To be honest though, I got bored after I got 100+ and I didn't want to play anymore. I know this wasn't really meant for me, or anyone else here anyway, so I understand if you don't want to bother with a leaderboard or future modifications. As a gift for your girlfriend this works really well. It's simple, cute and fun. It doesn't really matter that it's imperfect. It's great for what it is. Plus, you always make really good games so godspeed to you!

SeethingSwarm responds:

Wow, thanks for the awesome review and all the feedback! :)
I'm really glad you liked this little game of mine. I've never heard of the Bionicle Toa Mata Platform Game, so it's just a coincidence, but it's nice to know that this game brought up some nostalgia within you. I like all your suggestions. New backgrounds, unlockables, a leader board etc., would be awesome. If only I had more time to work on this, but unfortunately I'm extremely busy with other projects. Anyway, thanks again for the comments! I'll keep your suggestions in mind for future stuff!

What did she think of the blood spatter? It's a good game, brutally simple... a mix of cuteness and the joy of only having one life to lose, kinda like sweet and sour.

SeethingSwarm responds:

I always enjoy adding some sort of twist into my games, especially the cute ones, and with this game it turned out to be the way Anna and Bruno dies :P

She's used to my games and although she was shocked the first time she saw it, she wasn't really too surprised. She did help to design the Acid Bunny games after all. The blood and death sounds make it just a bit more heart-breaking for her whenever she dies, hehe :)

Glad you liked it!

It's not bad for the length of time it took you to make it. It's cute and catchy. I felt like I was going to a fiesta which is always fun. Good job keep evolving.

SeethingSwarm responds:

That's what I was going for, thank you! :)

Appreciate the medals, though a list of highscores would be another nice addition! Overall this is a simple; fun little platformer, though a little annoying in how easy it is to slip off ledges, or accidentally bounce away on a balloon, or get stuck under a low platform not able to jump to the next one, and the packages you collect seem to appear at a bit too random intervals sometimes, I think I jumped around at least a couple of minutes at one point without a single one on screen. But anyway, small improvements disconsidered, it's a fun game! Happy; addicting. Nice work.


SeethingSwarm responds:

Glad you liked it :)
Sorry about the annoyances and imperfections. I had such a small timeframe to make this game. Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated!

Happy birthday.