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Reviews for "Dead Zed 2"

sound system making the game like real condition
survive or death..
rather hard for shoot but i m survive

An great game inspired by TLS, it shoots great but my only complaint is that when you have a survivor that sucks balls at searching, its almost impossible to find any loot.

good nice graphics and game, but the circle aim is horrible, i aim in the head and it goes on the feet or other places pleaces change this

It really is a pretty decent game even though these types have a hard time holding my attention. The only things ive found lacking are

1: the background. It could be more diverse
2: the search party. seems like they end up dying or not finding anything more than being helpful

I like the first one and I played this one for 3 days till I remembered why I stopped playing the first one. Other than the new(ish) location and graphic there is not much difference here than from last stand and the first one. I found it extremely annoying that in a five minute span I started a new game, getting all head shots for the first two days, and when my day ended my dude was dead. I restarted and same thing happened again. I found that if you spam bullets you get more head shots than careful aiming. Also 6 zombies is not enough variety (maybe it was seven the biker guy I do not recall ever seeing) It also lagged me a few times while I was shooting and I found the zombie I was shooting at was already half way up the yard. Overall a good game but buggy. Give it some fixes, some consistency of parties searching (ie your people just dying off sucks especially if the entire party goes with only one or two places left to look... which is why I restarted my first time. If you do a third one some variety of bases, more uses for survivors (and an equipping option for them, and maybe some sort of loyalty/exp system also) and maybe getting raided by other survivors would make a 3rd addition to this series awesome. (side note: add a LEADERBOARD)

preference of weapons per area

area 1: bow! You can spam this baby to well into day 15
area 2: m16 and ak. (in that order) m16 for headshots and ak for when you get swarmed. you can sub the m16 when you get theautomatic gun with a scope.
area 3: grenade launcher and m60. Make a big boom then spam the 60 till you run dry. lob some more grenades till your slave, I mean helper (cough *slave*) reloads your 60 and repeat.

I am well over day 100 in my current play threw and have yet to have my barricade damage :D