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Reviews for "Dead Zed 2"

fantastic little game. I've played others that are very much like it, though I enjoyed this one just a little more.
I would've liked more options for weaponry and upgrades, but it works.
What I have against it - and this is a small point - is the genre; Zombies.
The Zombie genre - in all of it's iterations - has been (pardon the pun) done to death.
The premise is well-worn and it is hard to make an interesting Zombie game (or book, movie, television show, et al) So having chosen "Zombies" as your antagonist is a bit... disappointing.
I would have much rather have seen something new OR, if you are going to use zombies, come at the subject from a new and different perspective.
That being said, this game works and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not "hard" but enough of a challenge to keep me interested.

makes me feel toilet

I am afraid that this game is not what the creator was truly hoping for. Because, while it has the components of depth, it didnt go far enough to really cement that feeling of realism that he might have been going for. But what is here is very fun, the shooting is very tight, even if I wish their was an iron sights function. As for the survival aspects, its not bad, it has great potential its just not enough for me.
If this is the developer's first crack at this kind of game he is on the right track for sure. Adding just a little bit more depth to the survival aspect of it would really make this a 5 star game to me.

love the game! although my computer nearly has a heart attack and dies every time it rains, it makes the game unplayable for me at times. maybe add an option to turn it off?

Good game although the Search party was a pain it's still good once you finish it.