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Reviews for "Loot Hero"

VERY repetitive, but fun for a while. The issue I had was when you get your speed up and go against harder enemies the bounce back pushes the hero off screen and since thats where enemies respawn, you can get the hero stuck in a spot that he can only die to get out of. And forget about trying to regulate speed past upgrade 40 because the hero speed, cursor position and camera speed get so out of whack that a single mouse click will send the hero passed the courser and therefor turn him around or shoot the camera way out in front so you loose where he is anyway...

That and the loading times (and this eats up shockwave on my system- crashed it three times before I realized that I had to close everything else just to get passed the LS at the end of Lvl 1) cost you points but it is still a good little time waster

VaragtP responds:

You can always leave the level though and go to an easier one if death is the only other option ;) You can walk a bit slower by holding the mouse close to the Hero. Very valid points though, thank you!

this game is strangely adictive in my opinion. specially higher in the game you start to really see progress in how you do things although at some point it breaks appart and you can see that the game was never made to go past the third dragon. for example if you go to fast you can run past bosses and past health pickups witch cause you to die. as for dmg upgrades they become inrelevant because your oneshotting everything. also your character goes offscreen and you go as fast as your mouse is from your character not the middle witch really could use a fix.

the music and grafics are really good. the plinging of money and xp comming in is verry rewarding.

its a 3.5 star rating because of what it could've been. not for what it is tough.
i'd work on this a bit more and reupload it because it deserves to be here.

Was fast paced and fun at first, but the description-I felt-was a little misleading. The game is very shallow. The "tons' of upgrades are exactly 4 that you can pump. Not very complex. "Ridiculous amounts of Loot" is also misleading. There is money, and an occasional potion that boosts your stats, or seems to temporarily. That's it. No gear, no usable items and hence, no loot. The game gets frenetic when you start pumping your speed attribute, and mowing down an entire map-boss included-can be exciting. Definitely satisfying until you realize the game is only 5 short stages long. Afterwards, you repeat the same 5 on a harder difficulty level, ad infinitum. An above average game that could have been fantastic.

VaragtP responds:

I would love to hear ideas for what could be improved to make it fantastic :) I try to write down all feedback I get for the sequel!

I'm not really into these types of RPG's but I was digging the soundtrack .

This is Actuallt Quite Nice! Can't find any bugs during Gaming. Very Addictive, a very nice way how the guy changes his armor as he buys more stronger Equipment.

The Problem is... it is TOO Easy, you just click the game & you get to hit the opponent, finished within 12 Mins. of Game Time. Even the Final Boss is easy. The Stage Clear can finally be skipped by a click of the mouse.

How about we just use our WASD Keys & use the J to Hit & K to shield (that would've been cool) The Lance was unchangeable except for the colors. My suggestion could've appplied to that complaint, how about let's change weapons to spears, swords. Magic can be activated with M &you could pick a spell to kill a creature.How about Different Types of shields also.

Also,a ranged weapon such as the crossbow can be activated with the Spacebar,left click hold & move the mouse to aim & let go of the left click hold so that it will shoot. & Make the Creature's damage & health higher & give them a critical hit chance also.

Although my opinions will probably change the WHOLE Game, it would've been really swell to have those things. I love the 16-bit design & the Medieval Feeling to it. But just like every other one complains: it's TOO Easy, if you don't want the magic, other weapons, crossbows, just make the Creature's damage & health higher & give them a critical hit chance!

Anways, it's my opinion but you could consent to my suggestions though, it's your game. I'm just reviewing it! It's still a pretty rad game. & NG are glad to have a game like this.
