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Reviews for "Deeper Sleep"

I enjoyed it, but I would have enjoyed it more if the screen hadn't been so grainy. I was okay with how dark it was (I get that it's a horror game) but the rapidly-shifting pixels made it hard to spot things I needed to (Like, say, the path to the well. Or to the scarecrow. Or to the fountain. Or some of the things I needed to fill the sack with. Or other important things like that.)

Also it would be nice if the flashlight just auto-deployed when you needed it.

Important note; DO NOT play this game at Midnight with headphones and all the lights off... I'm scared to go to the toilet... jeesh, why do I play scary games?


I'm pretty sure to get the Save The Child medal, you grab the Tiger Doll from the room where you grab the sewing needle, then grab the key in the 'lobby' area, open that locked room from near the elevator, then put the Tiger Doll on the bed that reads; "Cody."

[/end spoilers]

Personally, the game was good, a nice little point 'n' click, the only part I got stuck on was filling the bag, and that was me kinda like; "DAT SILLY GRAIN = STILL ON FLOOR, GET IN BAG!"... But that's what I get for playing this game at midnight, *Yawn*, I got pretty creeped out when I went into the
'Classroom?' area, the shadow made me jump, to wrap this review up though, the game is definitely worth playing (albeit, maybe not at midnight.) The nice creepy soundtrack and 8-bit artwork can make one's eyes dart about the screen looking for any sign of movement, this is good, exactly the trait I look for in a game like this, honestly.

However, despite there being a few nice scares within, it would have made the game a hell-of-a-lot spookier if there were some random event's thrown in to mess you up, but hey, that's just my opinion, so go on, if you haven't already, give this game a go, I mean if you took the time to read this review you've got nothing better to do right?

eh, i have experience with one scarier but for 4 .

I usually don't play creepy games like this but being in the spirit of Halloween I figured I would try this one out. The atmosphere is pretty amazing and the puzzles are good. I like that the game refrains from using too many jump scares. Good music, good graphics, challenging game play, 4/5 stars! Now I need to go play the original game and the finale!

Superb use of eerie sounds. That more than anything keep me on edge. My only dislike was the situation with the fountain. I had to use the walkthrough because I couldn't figure out the sequence of the buttons. Is there any place to figure that out? Or is it just random? I searched and couldn't find anything. So that frustrated me. Other than that, this was an excellent game. An easy 4 stars.

I look forward to part 3.

scriptwelder responds:

Pressing a button will change its state and the state of adjacent buttons.
It's as simple as that :)