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Reviews for "Mechanic Watermelon"

Difficulty is too high. Jumps require precision.

Am I missing something? I thought maybe the little green dots on the platform signified safe or dangerous but no it's random. Am I missing something? I wouldn't call it a puzzle as it's just trial and error and puzzles generally can be solved through intelligent thought, not random placement. So...rage? You're trying to make this a lesser version of I Wanna Be The Guy which at least had minor hints about what was a trap and what wasn't.

So Bad!!

Rage action huh? I'll cut right to the core. This is a lazy "puzzle". As been said before, there is no thinking involved, just trial and error. This shows a lack of cleverness on the creator's part. The graphics. This retro graphics thing is getting old. I remember coming on this site in 2003 and would blown away by the graphics on some of these games. Now people use MS Paint caliber graphics and labels them as "retro". The music gets real annoying really fast. I don't get why the controls couldn't be all arrow keys, wasd keys, or a choice between the two sets. Having to use two hands for such a basic game is like needing both hands to wipe your ass.