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Reviews for "MOON"

This game is not very good, the characters inner monolouge sounded unrealistic, and an extremely expensive space ship would not have a self destruct button. Also there was no reason for John to keep walking back outside. The first time made sense because of the transmitter, but after that he just kept walking back out. The characters walking animation was terrible, if you are going to be seeing it most of the game you should put some effort into it. The character also moves at a snails pace, making the walking even more annoying.

All of this could have been ignored since this is an art game if the plot was actually good, but it wasnt. It was astronaut sees creepy stuff and dead bodies, and then a rescuer shows up and sees him and it was real. There was nothing good or creative about it.
Just because a game has pixel graphics doesnt make it an art game. An art game is supposed to make you feel something, or have an effect on you. See games like Don't Look Back or The Majesty of Colors. These games use pixel art, but they also have good gameplay and a strong artistic message.

Im sorry this review seems harsh, but it is a review.

EventHorizon responds:

As other people have written this game with its atmosphere is able to make them feel fear and tension, this is the reason why it is an art game, slow movements are to make the atmosphere on the moon, I think you would not be able to run on the moon, in the space station M1 there is not a self-destruct button, which is why the character is shocked when the computer tells them, anyway thanks for the criticism.

Like a lot of people, I'm frustrated with this. I'd be less critical if I had good reason to be: if this was some young person's first major project after just beginning to learn Flash, for example.

But I know it's not the case. I checked your profile. You submitted .Loneliness. in Aug 2011. In all that time since, you haven't made much of an effort to improve. There is a massive lack of animation in both these submissions, which, for a site that's pretty much about animating for the most part - is hard to tolerate. Character walk cycles that are nothing but two alternating versions of the leg below the knee? Constant uses of fading in and and out to avoid depicting anything, such as getting up off the ground?

But even beyond that fact, as a game this is majorly flawed. I've gone out of my way to try and solve your little secret room puzzle, and I've got nothing. According to your response to another reviewer, there is no bug. Let's assume that is the case.

Your logic does not seem to make sense. The only clue you give is "Life." No where in the story is the word life used, so right off the bat the player is in for a guessing game. What in this story might be associated with life? Oxygen? Power? His "life's work?" The "love of his life?"

Oh, but wait, we can't use the letter "E" in any of the codes. So most of the things a normal person might think to try, end up suddenly stopping the game instead. This is just plain not putting yourself in your audience's shoes before you design your code. If you wanted to give the player a means to give up, then why not put a "button" that they could click? Why make the player's task to type characters but simultaneously have one particular character result in instant defeat?

I've tried everything that seems remotely feasible. Every number that appears somewhere. Every word that appears somewhere. Nothing works. So excuse us if we find it hard to believe that the code does not have a bug in it. The alternative is that you are not good at giving clues.

Putting the codes aside, the loading was awkward. I had to stare a blank white square for a long while. If I hadn't decided to let this thing sit while watching youtube in another tab, then I probably never would have known if the upload was actually a working version.

So recap:
Animation? Not impressive animation by any standard. Disappointing that you haven't changed at all from over a year ago.

Gameplay and coding? Either you don't know how to make a good puzzle with logical clues, or you have a bug which makes a major player objective impossible.

Everything else? I'm running out of characters, so I can't echo all the complaints others have already brought up. Having to use the mouse when already using both arrows and spacebar was less than preferable. Having to wait for all the text before clicks would advance to the next text bubble added a lot of time to an already tedious task of trying to replay the whole thing.

Despite what another reviewer said, no amount of replaying this has given me different endings. That's frustrating, but I have no way to know if he's a liar or if there is a flaw in the file.

On the plus side? Only thing I can say is that it seems to me like you sped up the walking in some places. I do like pixel games, and when I first saw this on the front page I had high hopes, but this really disappointed me. It's always fun/nostalgic to see pixel art. But please, don't keep trying to pass off such lifeless, static images as either a movie or a game. You need to at least attempt to do something more.

Unrelated stuff:
don't know why you change ugolend to Legendgames. "Legend Games" already exists in at least one country, if not multiple countries. I don't think you're going to get very far trying to use it, if for no other reason than web searches will always return the major company's pages and bury any hits for you.

This was more of a short interactive story. Basically all you get to do is walk back and forth. Didnt like that you couldnt use the space bar to read. I thought it was boring. Maybe give people more options?

soo predictable....

Another art game to slowly trudge through.

All of these games are beginning to look the same to me, just with different settings. Minimal interaction from the player, focus on the game mechanics or graphics in of themselves without much to speak of in terms of gameplay. They're raved about as deep or inspiring or whatever but I've stopped buying it.

This game does not wow me, and in fact gets a rather humdrum "meh". I can usually tolerate the cookie cutter programming of flash-based art games because in most of the ones you hear about, there is a story to be eaten up, or some horror I desperately want to seek the origin of. Here, I am left without that. A man goes crazy after 2 years isolated in space... this is neither a totally unusual concept, nor unexpected. Anyone would go mad after 2 years of solitary isolation. What makes the other art games interesting with the concept of the sudden onset of madness is the very mundane situation they are put in that finally makes them snap, or the blocking of some trauma that haunts them without the character knowing why. We get none of that here... this man is alone, and since the moon base did not explode, I can only be led to assume he has simply gone off his rocker. This ends the mystery for me. I get to slowly, painfully slowly, watch a random astronaut (named John, of all things! John Smith anyone?) go crazy, and then help arrives. This did not introduce anything new to this genre of game.

Another big red flag with this particular game is the presence of secret medals and a "secret room" medal for a game with zero replayability. Except for, I suppose, the "secret room", this game will be entirely the same over and over. Slogging back and forth as if weighed down by the moon itself, slowly creeping from monotonous screen to monotonous screen to finish. I almost felt like I was dragging a limp dog out back to shoot it.

The use of flashing lights and jump scares did not do much for my immersion nor my suspense... I could almost predict when the next thing would happen, because there was a pattern to it. New day, scary thing, John panics. New day, scary thing, John panics. But of all the ways to use the eerie vacuum of space and our vast gaps in knowledge about space to your advantage, you chose cliches that could not be more ready to lay down and die. Bloody ghost/hallucination, creepy mirror world, and a haunted payphone. Variations on these exist in tons of horror games, and very few suspense, non-action oriented horror games take place in space! I just feel like a lot of opportunities to embrace the setting you smushed this horror game into were shoved aside for more comfortable cliched horror tricks.

I'm sorry if this review is harsh, or you feel I'm being mean. I am not intending to, these are just my honest opinon of a game which feels to me like a very forgettable, boring, uninteresting and cliche work that could have been so much better, and failed to deliver.

Review rating: .5 stars
NG rating: 1 star