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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

Loved it. Got your message across.

Got the message across with little to no actual animation. Music fit really well. At times the dialogue was muffled but it was clear most of the time. Your accent made it a little hard to tell what you were saying. But otherwise not bad.

To those reviewers who went off on a religious rant this is not the forum for it.

nahtanojmal responds:

I do tend to focus on the message a bit much and put the visuals and audio to a mediocre level. I probably should have got some outside input during the creation process...
He he I have an accent :D

meh, I don't mind the religious rants.

Thanks and I hope people got the message to ;D

Everything is perception...

Even though some if your thoughts are misplaced in your dialogue... (Just your view of things and how they are written in your context, as we all have our right to our own opinion) In the end, man will be man and God will, and always will, be God.

nahtanojmal responds:

We all have the right to our own opinion if we can logically prove it.

Good Story

I thought the story and animations was very well done, but the voice acting could have been much better. It was almost a little too serious and dark for my tastes, but still very well done. Great job. ^^

nahtanojmal responds:

Thanks for your honest review :)

good animation

i rate for the animation, your message seems hopeful. you'll obviously have people who disagree but religion was never made to unify people since we all think differently but im glad to see that most people who do or dont have religion look to whats right and what they believe. Which is what your doing =)

nahtanojmal responds:

Thanks for reviewing ;)


I liked it overall with good animation and music but the voice acting was drowned out at times by the music making it hard to understand.

I gave it a 9 because of how it went all religious at the end. I've had a lot of troubled moments in my life but not once did I ever look to religion but instead just picked myself up and dealt with the situation. So with that in mind I don't agree with the part about "look to god if you're in trouble" but that is just my way of thinking while I'm not trying to disrespect anyone else's.

nahtanojmal responds:

Thanks for the honest review ;)