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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"


While there was an improvement in the graphics from your previous work (implementing lines was a good choice), and the colors were nice, there was still a pretty harsh lack of variety in the animation here. There were alot of tweens, stillframes and loops that took me out of the movie. Your style's nice, but it's REALLY fucking rigid. Try doing more with the animation, it really just looks like the animation is an afterthought here. I enjoyed the instrumental song, but the words over it were poorly recorded and probably just would have been better left out. But that wouldn't have been an option (which leads me the third and most important point, the main reason for the low score) because it's just propaganda. There's no plot here, no subtlety, no entertainment value... It's really just Flash-based proselytism... Cartoons aren't really shit without ideas are they? Truly the crudest art with the most heart, brains and effort are worthy of high praise. You have nice presentational skills, but your cartoons are weak underneath the hood. Personally I like Spud better, at least you packaged the religious dickery under a nice little plot.

Now here's me proselytizing back even though this is posing as a review :D. Your "corruption" is not only your fault, but it's what makes you YOU. If you choose to change anything your life, do it for real, empirical reasons instead of trying to kiss the ass of ancient Middle Eastern mythical beings. And even if anything Christian mythology says was even mildly true about humans being so horrible for objectively moral reasons, it would be "god's" fault. If a programmer creates a game and it's full of bugs, it's moronic to say it's the game's fault. If an artist draws a picture and it's shitty, then it's the artist's fault.

Look in the mirror, not at mythological gods there's nothing looking back at you.
Because cold blooded honesty and awareness are our only real foundations in this life.
You will end up dead one day in your own strength, whether you believe in gods or not. Kick ass and enjoy what little life you have.

Please, forget ancient mythology and love yourself and others,
despite all your differences
and understanding and knowledge, change you.

nahtanojmal responds:

God created us, we hold our own remotes.
Real Christians see what God has done (or what people say He has done) for us and so willingly chose to follow Him. Not to gain for self but to die to following our sinfulness.
And in their willingness to follow God they do good.

Good works are sugar in the fruit, but sugar alone is no good for eternity.

Thanks for the 6 despite all your disagreements ;)

I suppose the message was alright . . . except it has to do with an invisible, nonexistent being. Gee . . . way to tie things all back to this so called God of yours. Grow up and break free from the chains that your parents birthed you into.

nahtanojmal responds:

Sorry, it's too late for me. The chains are what give life to my lifeless puppet body.

like animation did not like the meaning

is that music honostly that was total shit im sorry you could have picked many songs that would be much better instead of a depressing, religion pushing, disgusting vulgar song. yes it was truly bad Christians are truly argent and self centered just on a side note. a better song would be time changed everything by Nyctalgia and then let your animation do the talking especially if its meant to contain a meaning because thats what we animators do encrypt hidden meaning in our animations. Now the theme yes our corruption is our own fault but hoping that even though we take and take from the earth we will still go to "heaven" we must change and decide we are better then corruption and hate Siddh%u0101rtha Gautama once said "Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." so stop look for safety in a higher power and solve your problum instead of thinking it is ok im still going to "heaven" "You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger." Siddh%u0101rtha Gautama. What i will say is that animation part is great i do rate a animation 5 for the theme 5 for the animation itself i didnt like the theme at all but 5 for the animation it was great well drawn flowed great very good would like to see more just choose better theme or place more meaning into your theme without it become pushy and over powering with religion not everyone is christian you know.

nahtanojmal responds:

Well, I don't make animations to appeal to the masses.
And without the meaning there would be no animation.

great animation, bad message

Things are only impossible because you look to god rather than yourself.

nahtanojmal responds:

God is our source not our slave.

right, well this was an entertaining video. I was Highly Entertained.
Good Job In your Animation.

nahtanojmal responds:

Is that sarcasm :P
Thanks :D