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Reviews for "Contemplate Life"

Great Video For Religious People

If you're religious, then you'd probably find this very inspirational. Good themes, good fitting music, and some nice ideas.

However, it's an immediate put off for somebody like me, who isn't religious. The message is kind of saying humans can't do anything without god, but for those of us who don't believe in any god, that's a pretty big insult.

It may end up that us humans are as worthless as we seem, or it may not, but to give into something like god just to feel good, is just as bad as living an immoral life. You should do as you do because it's right, because it makes sense. Not because of you love or fear some proclaimed all powerful being. You have nothing to support that action, you are running from life by creating excuses for yourself.

There is no logic in religion, it is something people turn to when they don't want to deal with reality.

nahtanojmal responds:

The Word of God is an offence to those who are perishing. That's probably why many Christian churches have gone squishy.

Our definitions of right (and wrong) can be chaotic. God's definition is the standard.

James 1:27 (in the Bible)
Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Thanks for your honesty ;)

Takes Ambition & Passion

...to craft something like this. The animation was great and pleasing to the eye; as was the music fitting. Some dips and quality and art style here and there but it's forgivable when the run time is so long. It's a good message, which is a rarity on Newgrounds and the internet in general. I'm glad that you found the drive see this concept all the way through to completion and published it here.

I also believe other reviewers are imbeciles for bringing their beliefs into consideration when judging the overall quality of this work. Even if you don't agree with the message; it's a good message and it's conveyed very well.

All you atheists are just as bad as the overly religious people, all you do is bash religion and impose your own disbelief onto others. This isn't the Youtube comments section so write constructive reviews not one liner BS.

nahtanojmal responds:

Why thankyou ;)

I was absolutely hooked until...

...I realized it was religious propaganda. The movie was solid; good animation, great writing, great music, but its message is completely off. If your life is fucked up, don't sit and cry and pray for god to save you; get off your ass and change it yourself. This is the problem I have with most religious folk; they put the weight of their problems and their salvation on something that, if it exists, has no interest in helping them. The only person that can save you from your own personal hell is yourself, and that is the message this movie should leave people with, rather than telling them to put all their problems on something that may or may be even paying attention.

nahtanojmal responds:

I'm glad you liked the part you did and told me the part you didn't like

You may be the only one who can save yourself from your hell, but
only God can save you from the real Hell.

Thanks for reviewing ;)

im a Satanist

and this is damn good

nahtanojmal responds:

Yes, God's Word is good whether you believe it or not.

Thanks for reviewing :)

It touched me, I can tell that much.
I'm unsure if I am religious or not, open to both I guess. I don't want to have to chose between spiritual and scientific if that makes sense.

It also brings up the question that has been on my mind for a while now. I live in a society where negitive things are shovelled onto you, and a few years ago I was drowing under it. Even now I sometimes stil have those moments.

However I've found a solution, which is to let all those negitive thoughs go. Let go of my anger to those people who irk me for the sake of happiness.

So my question is simple.
Is it alright to forget the bad, for the sake of happiness? Is it alright to ignore everything that makes me worry, and fear for the future for the sake of keeping my head above the surface?

Global warming, government, grades, family. There are so many things piling up in my life and it is hard enough to adress my own issues without having to worry about others. And I do, I can't help it. I feel for every person who has something bad happening in their life.

But no one else seems to care. Cutting down on my usage of power and water, family starts to use more. Study hard for the test, get lower grades then when I hadn't studied. Family grieving over loss of family. Family not understanding what I wish to do with my life.

It is enough to make me want to scream. I can't handle it all at once, I can't solve every problem. I have no solution.

But is it allowed, to ignore everything that I can't change and focus on what I can?
ARGH, why does my mind have to come up with such hard questions?

nahtanojmal responds:

I think choosing to be spiritual or scientific is like having to chose which side of my brain I'm allowed to use. You need both.

Yes, if you want temporal happiness that will fade as the bad arises...

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

"Look to God, not yourself.
Because He is our only real foundation in this life."

If you do not regard God you will have to deal with these things by ignoring them or by false hope.

Thank you for your comment ;)