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Reviews for "Thoreau"

Atmosphere can't make up for glitches.

The feel of the game is nice and fluid. I didn't experience any lag to speak of and the animation was, while not perfect, better than many. However, none of that can make up for the frequent glitches. The two most glaring I'd found were, after dying, I would walk forward automatically until something blocked the way or killed me. The second was constantly changing number of times I could use the sight ability. It would stop working randomly, sometimes after as little as two uses.

The rating I gave is based purely on potential and atmosphere. Any missing points where because those glitches made the game nearly unplayable.

A difference between holding hands and frustrating

As, after playing this for a while, I'm not in the best of the moods, let's move to the actual review right away.

Graphics - 9/10 : the animations where fluid, the style was eerie (there were some references to 'limbo' before. I couldn't agree more) and the force trasmited by some traps felt realistic (this is mostly due to the speed from arrows and giant hammers. Well done here)

Sound - 8/10 : there were some complaints about the music, or maybe the lack of it. I know you did that in order to give more immersion into the game, but i still think you could have added a mute button or, even better, a way to change the volume of the music so sound effects would play louder. Concerning the sound from traps, most of them where pretty clear, even on my first try, the sound of the crossbow (or whatever it is that fires those arrows) being triggered was intuitive (my first thought when I heard that was "shit is comming, son. Duck!"). I also liked how heavier objects gave a more heavy sound (ie. hammers sounded hevier than small falling stones). My only suggestion is to add that music volume control or at least a mute button for the music only.

Gameplay - 4/10 : this is what really blew the game experience. As said bellow: 'providing basic information is not holding hands'. The game could have a 'instructions' section instead of kicking straight into the actual game right away. Also, it anoyed me how the character would jump much more in high as he did in lenght, that kinda broke the realism given by the whole physics presented in the game. Also, I had more than a few problems with those pits countaining spikes, since there was pretty much no sound to give them away the 'trust your ears, not your eyes' concept was almost invalid here. Some hitboxes didn't feel right (yeah, I'm looking at those flames and how they can kill me from quite a few pixels away from where they seem to be). I see that the problem with the rock still being able to kill you after it has fallen is also a measure to avoid game break (in some parts, you could be pretty much stuck if you avoided the stone by running and had no light left to break it).

Story - <not available> : note that I'm not judging the story as I couldn't bring myself to play the game to the bitter end, from what it seemed at first, the game might not even have a real storyline, but I might, and probably am, wrong.

Well, after writting this extremely lengthy review, I think I am more calm now and probably I should congratulate the team that made this game as, despite the afore mentioned problems, it still has a lot of potential. Also, I would like to thank anyone kind and patient enough to read this long, boring and foolish review. God bless.


I don't know what that last guy is talking about. The sound is perfectly leveled, and there's plenty of time to react to most traps, so you don't have to go crazy with the space bar like an idiot. As for the hit detection on the boulders, cut 'em some slack seeing as the game was made in 96 hours. I don't know if you've noticed, but most of the front page games today are from the Game Jam contest. This one's definitely my favorite so far. Nice work guys.


Ok well, I started playing it, movement felt a little sloppy, and then I saw: "A hallucination is a perception in the abscence of a stimulus"...

Ok! Makes sense... kinda... WAIT

wtf? That sounds like total bullshit, there has to be a stimulus, electrically or chemically in certain kind of level. Then I found out it was a broad meaning of hallucination given by wikipedia. iokno... im super stoned...
But that sounds like total BS

SO ok, I won't play it. But I'll give you a 10 and a 5/5 :) orwutfkever

3D-xelu responds:

loool =)) *high five* for you =)

What is wrong with this game

I thought when you were supposed to bring a game to the top its supposed to make sense. Reallly? Three blinks before i run out and am stuck? I use it all in the beginning just to make sure. So i have to go back to the light and get to where I was over again? Lame. Another thing, if something falls like a rock i should survive if i touch it even jump over it unless it shoots arrows out of it and totally pawns me. The graphics were great, i couldnt hear the traps becuz of this weird whispering thing u call music. The game needs to be the shiznick when its on the top of the list in the front page because thats where everyojne looks. And its not good for newgrounds to get roconized as the place where they give bad games the front page.