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Reviews for "Gyossait"

Eeerie music..

Reminds me of MF Chakan! good work!

Sick and Beautiful

corker of a game, stunningly made for a pixel platformer. as the other guy said the only real bug i have is the glidey-ness of the jumping which does make character movement a little awkward

of the atmospheric level as the X days a Y series

I apologize for the proceeding wall of text, but I felt I simply had to comment and review this work of art, as well as simply speak my mind, and I applaud any that at least attempt to read this. Very rarely do i see such an amazingly nonsensical story such as this, nor such a deliciously terrifying atmosphere. The sounds, the sights, the random and primal feel to it, the text flipping between dull and static grey to sharp and sudden red and pink, all come together as an amazing and horrible game, a terrible and great story, and a disgusting and beautiful experience the likes of which i desperately dread and wish were more prolific and prominent in storytelling, regardless of media. Such a thing as this is awe-inspiring because of its awful nature. This is by no means a pleasant creature, but that simply makes it all the more euphoric for those interested in such qualities or genres. I will admit I am obviously biased towards the darker and more erratic aspects of reality, as well as their portrayal, and I will proudly say that amongst my favourites are "Silent Hill", "Trilby's Notes", and "Metal Gear Solid", but that is the very reason I am waxing on like this. I love the supernatural, the magical, and the mental and the various aspects of these categories, and wish I could spread their glorious and sinister nature to as many as would accept and embrace them instead of abhor them or proclaim them evil or demonic abominations . But I digress, as I have been ranting as I tend to do about something that I very well may be alone in, and have taken up too much time and space as it is for whomever has taken up the apparently daunting and thankless task of actually reading reviews, so I will return to the review as proper. As one can see, this game is not perfect in gameplay, but with such an insane and brilliant sequence, can we expect such? The whole emotion I received from this was one of melancholic regret and haunting despair, and one can hardly expect such depression and anguish to be tied up in a neat little bow as it were. Besides, we are but man, and let come what will of this fact. Once again I apologize for this small essay, and farewell.

what the heck. what did I just play? that left me feeling creepy and disturbed. thanks so much, truly inspiring work with stencyl.
