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Reviews for "desert."

nice vid but..

damn! that sound really hurt my ears!!

Really Unexpected!

Went he was pumping faster, I was expecting him to be hallucinating a camel's privates as a tap... you can probably see where I'm going with this... :'D

This was a lot better than the daily first

The daily first being the VG cats animation, which asides from just animating someone elses idea, with a horrible sound mic and poor quality visuals was terrible. This was random, had a great punchline and the maker literally put his own blood into the making of it. I think more kudos are deserved rather than a 3.79. It was applicable to a wider audience, pretzels being the last thing you want when your thirsty. I actually thought you were going to turn it into a masturbrating joke with the pumping. Nice work, perhaps this character can be an antagonist in your other flashes

TimeWasted responds:

Thank you! I'm very glad you appreciated my cartoon for what it was. I was indeed going for a wider audience than just those who would find things like video game references, prolific violence, and sexual jokes amusing, because I myself don't find those amusing unless they are spectacularly executed and exhibit some very innovative qualities, which is rare to say the least. I prefer humor in the vein of random absurdity. Also...I like that your name is talkingtrousers.


The voice when he says "water" creeps me out. No really! but nonetheless i enjoyed it specially on the part where the pretzels came out. :)


I have to agree with the reviewer below me (dabproductions) about the possibility of making the scene seem 'hotter', but let me give you an actual review!

Here is what I enjoyed:

- VERY much so like your use of color. They were bright and captivating, and I especially liked how you added a slight sun-burnt tinge to the man's face. I enjoyed your use of shading as well.

-The sound was just fine for me, and didn't sound tinny. If you were to make improvements in the future, I would perhaps change the 'distance' of the voices used; for instance, he sounded exactly the same when he was far away as he did when he was up-close. Just a suggestion though, and not anything I'd subtract from the overall score! Your sound effects were nice, too.

- I enjoyed your artistic style; the man looked believable for his situation, everything matched well and you showed a distinct style. I also really loved how you included his footprints in the desert sand. Not a lot of people on Newgrounds really go through that extra effort, and it was refreshing to see such a minor (albeit appreciated) detail.

- Your animation was well-done. I really liked your close-ups, particularly after the man discovers the well and you've zoomed in on him saying 'water' -- that was perfect.

-I loved your concept! Shorts like these are nice and really easy for me to watch. The idea of having this man looking for cool, refreshing water, and getting a mouthful of salty, water-deprived pretzels was really clever of you. I like how sudden you delivered your ending, too. Not drawn out, just plain and simple. Great execution.

-I love your comments on the reviews -- nothing to do with your animation, but extremely humoring to read through!


Well, besides the sound thing I brought up (which is just for improvement and isn't really what I'd consider an 'issue'), I'd say just sharpen up on your in-betweens to make your animation smoother (it is already pretty smoooooth!), and continue developing your skills! You show a lot of promise and are already miles ahead of so many other Flashers on Newgrounds. I hope you make other shorts like these in the future, because you are good at them. I'm absolutely sure your skills will only get better and better, too. Keep at it!