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Reviews for "Street Fighter LoA"


1. Story
2. Difficulty level and progression
3. Gameplay
4. Controls
5. Humor
6. Graphics and animation

1. Spelling
2. Where someone got hit and which part of their body turned Yellow and Red in the graphic at the top were unrelated; for example, I would hit someone in the leg twice and their head would turn Yellow, then Red

1. Some of the moves' names and attacks were mismatched- for example Rising Punch consists of 2....kicks?
2. Birdie was much harder than DeeJay, Zangief, and Guile for me
3. Where's Bisooooooon!? I was so hoping he would be the secret last battle...hopefully next game?

Also suggestions other people have brought up that I agree with: being able to play as other characters (my fav characters are Balrog and Bison); some sort of practice mode

Muja responds:

Thank you for your detailed review! I'll answer to the main points of it:

- The area of your body that gest hurt it's random, you're right. But that's how it should be in my opinion.
Even if it might sound unrealistic, it indeed serves its purpose well, which is to make the player use different moves instead of the same combo again and again.
I mean, if I did like you said, then you'd start a match and attack at always the same spot until the other guy falls. Boring. But that's my opinion.

- The name of each move refers only to its last attack. The earlier ones serve to introduce it, and are basically the same in each move.

- Birdie was even made weaker than in the demo version, and I thought that was enough. It seems that he coming back from the "dead" caught a lot of player off guard. Interesting. Yet it's too late to change it now. ^_^

- I know!! I wanted to add Bison, too!
But he's such a good villain that he would have needed some... "preparation": a backstory, for example, and a little of mistery.
Moreover, Akuma as the final boss was more than enough for this first game.
Of course, I don't need to say that if I decide to make a sequel, Bison will be the final boss, 100% sure.

Thank you again!

Thumbs up!

Your game satisfies two conditions:
1. It's a Street Fighter game and
2. It's an rpg

And it's a heck of a lot of fun, but some things are strange. For instance, the dialogue at times fits and at other times is completely out of character. The Blanka bit was funny, but I'm speaking mainly about some of Ryu's lines, especially at the end. There were also some technical issues:
-The move commands in the upper left hand screen are visible (when engaging), but the name is often cut out.
-The energy bar will sometimes appear full but won't register as such.

And some gameplay issues:
-Move commands don't appear to follow commands from the Capcom games or correllate to where they do damage. The hurricane kick seems to hit opponents anywhere but their heads.
-Certain moves are just more powerful than others of the same category, so that makes the previous ones obsolete. I don't need 4 different 3-hit moves
-Because of the damage system it makes more sense to spam a single move than use a diverse array of attacks
-Because the guard meter takes an entire turn to be filled and any unblocked attacks will leave you dead or near dead, guard becomes the most important stat. Although you need to add some points to combo to allow for more attacks, the best strategy is undoubtedly to add as many points to guard as possible and play a defensive game. This can be fixed in a number of ways:
-Make the AI fail to block occasionally (perhaps cause this to happen when you select a more diverse array of attacks)
-Make the guard stat weaker/other stats more effective
-Have certain attacks that are stronger at breaking blocks than they are at dealing damage. This will encourage more investment in combos to unlock those types of attacks.

One last point: For an rpg, there aren't many menus or maps or dungeons, etc. How about more of an rpg feel to it?

And I appreciate only allowing Ryu and Ken as playable in the first game, but I hope the sequel allows for multiple characters/endings.

Thanks for the submission!

Muja responds:

Wow, what a long and detailed review! Thank you! ^_^
I'll answer to the main points:

- I already explained that, yes, the part of the body that gest hurt is random and it doesn't depend on the received hits. That's because otherwise you would be spamming the same move over and over again, even more than you already did.
So, it's true that during a fight it might happen that, since your opponent is hurt in a certain spot, you'll use the same move to knock him down.... but that move changes in every battle, since your opponent won't always be hurt in the same place, and that adds a bit of variety.

- I know, the guard stat was too important. I'll remember that for my next game! ;)

- I like the idea of a certain kind of attacks that are guard-breaking! I might remember that, too!

And for the last point, my next game will have a lot more rpg elements, trust me!

Thank you for your review!! ^_^

A few thoughts

Of course, the first thing I want to say is that I really enjoyed the game. It was a lot of fun. It was frustrating sometimes but overall very satisfying to play.

The animation and sound was excellent. Forcing the player to watch the stance of their opponent and learn about their combos was brilliant. It really adds tension to the game.

I will offer my thoughts on some things you may consider if you indulge us and make a sequel.

First, I would have liked to be able to skip the tutorial. I've started several new games and had to sit through it every time.

Next, I am wondering about the level system. Is there a difference between putting points into health and into guard? If damage is subtracted the same between both bars, then it seems like there's no reason to favor health or guard, as they are the same thing. I also didn't like to sacrifice my level points for the combos. I felt like all the combos should be learned separately and kept forever.

I would prefer, I think, to level up damage and defense, in addition to guard. You could also add special skills, like a hint as to where they will strike, the ability to move twice, the ability to suppress the enemy's super gauge, or to enhance your own, to start the match with some of the gauge filled already, or even add different gauges like some of the later street fighter games. You could have another skill that lets you counterattack if you block every strike perfectly with a simple three-strike combo or something.

I think it would be a little more fun if you had some kind of timed bar, so that when you block, you can block perfectly and reduce the damage taken, and the same with the strike. I think it would add a little more variation to the gameplay, and make it feel a little less like a pure numbers game.

Finally, I want to say that your game is a pleasure to play and I hope you work on more of them.

Muja responds:

Wow, what a bunch of good ideas you gave me there!
I'm really grateful, as most of them are ideas that I would most certainly implement in a sequel.

Just to answer your curiosity, it's actually better to level up your guard insted of your health. Your reasoning is indeed correct, but you forgot than when you are hit, you don't just lose your health but also have a little chanche that your body will get injured.

By the way, thank you for your long review! ^_^ Hope to hear from you soon, when my next game comes out!

Luv it and i need help!

i cant get passed akuma any tips like the block arrows for his specials? i cant get passed him becuase of my guard and my butt getting pwned in my health bar? so help...

Other then that this games awesome but could of been better lol like adding VS. mode or survival mode! (personally 10/10)

Muja responds:

Well, Akuma is very strong. My suggestion is to put all your experience in the guard meter, to learn his attacking pattern (and that, you can only do by trying), and then to raise your guard whenever it goes down, unless your ki bar is full.
I don't know what else to say, if you want more tips, try to read some of the reviews below, as some user wrote a few very useful advices.

Thanks for the review, and... is the personality score referred to me? Thank you again! ^_^


Everithing is great and the game is zupar!
I've to report only 2 bugs:
1)Ken vs Vega: -if you click fasten on screen and don't presso the skip button the music of the dialog don't stop and goes on during all the game instead of when you press the skip botton somewhere...
2)Special boss: -if you lose the game stops running and you have to refresh the page.
This is what I found... Ah! Epic the end-movie with the soundtrack of metal gear solid!
Il gioco è stupendo, lo adoro e blabla.
Però devo riportare 2 bug:
1)Quando combatti con Vega e dopo aver perduto ci riprovi, se clicchi velocemente sullo schermo invece di cliccare su skip la musichina di sottofondo del dialogo te la porti addosso finchè non clicchi uno skip da qualche parte;
2)Se giochi il superboss e perdi il gioco va in stallo... nessun filmatino o pulsante... resti bloccato coi due personaggi che si guardano e devi refreshare la pagina.
Ecco le cose da fixare secondo me.. comunque bel lavoro Muja! E complimenti per la scelta epica di mettere di sottofondo al filmato finale la sigla di Metal Gear Solid! Mi è scesa la lacrimuccia!! xD
Bella! Se farai il seguito fammelo sapere!!

Muja responds:

Hei! Rispondo subito alle tue domande:
1) Questo succede a causa di una mia semplice distrazione, un errore abbastanza stupido in effetti. Ma per modificare il gioco mi fanno un sacco di storie, dato l'alto numero di visualizzazioni, così non ho ancora corretto il bug.
2) Stessa cosa per il problema numero 2, anch'esso facilmente risolvibile.

Per concludere, grazie mille della recensione! E' bello incontrare qualche italiano su NG di tanto in tanto! :-D
Metal Gear Solid ha le colonne sonore più belle che abbia mai ascoltato, la scelta era obbligata! ;)