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Reviews for "Hiroshima"

Ohh i liked it :)

But if the Japanese just stayed away from Pearl Harbour then those people could still be alive today. The ships they bombed without officially declaring war sank with living sailors still in them, and they were hiting the ship with anything they could find to alert someone that they were down there. But the Americans couldn't reach them. I think being stuck in a sinking ship with no way of getting out is a worse death then a huge explosion followed by radiation

Good movie, but apology? for what?

Apologize? Why? More people were killed in the conventional bombings of Tokyo than were killed in Hiroshima or Nagasaki. The fact that a single bomb leveled these cities or a fleet of bombers should be irrelevant.

The idea that the US should apologize is rather absurd. This was a war... not just any war, but one of the worst in human history. I find it hippocritical that you would have the US apologize for Hiroshima, but not for Tokyo. Attrocities were committed by everyone in WW2, it doesn't make them right, and maybe they should be apologized for, but why single out the US? Where are the droves of people demanding an apology from Germany for their treatment of the Jews and occupied Europe? Where are the people demanding an apology for Pearl harbor, or for the thousands of civilians in China and Korea killed by Japanese imperial forces? The US *did* in fact warn Japan that they had a weapon that could destroy a city before the bomb was dropped, and asked Japan to surrender.

The movie was good in that it allowed us to reflect on a dark chapter of human history, but I find the idea that the US should apologize for Hiroshima quite hippocritical and very ignorant of what occured during WW2.

Good, but differing views...

Yes, it was sad that so many died BUT, the US's intention was NOT to kill. It was to show the power of the bomb...which Japan didn't believe. Hiroshima was picked because it wasen't that big. Think about it, if they really wanted to kill ... why wasen't it dropped on Tokyo? Millions would have died. Also, it was the only way besides having our men killed in the process ... im not saying the value of one's life is greater then the other, but the attack on US was UNPROVOKED. All those lives lost at Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima never had to happen, if Japan didn't take such drastic measures.

i think it was barbera bush...

i think it was barb bush who said 'war is not nice' and it is very sad that the the human race will use such technology as arms rather than a crutch. However, no apology shouldve been issued. Its war. Anyhow, great flash, good graphics.

Some people need to relax about this flash

This flash was made to educate, in my opinion. I dont believe we should apoligize for the atom bomb. But i dont believe we should feel guiltless about it. Pearl harbor was serious as well. But they were the military, not normal people. Also i dont think anyone here knows about what the japanese did to the Chinese in WWII. They invaded, and just murdered, raped, and killed hundreds of thousands. They chopped off peoples heads and threw them into rivers. They would impale a child on a sword and throw them on the ground, still alive. They would also just chop peoples heads off an keep them, for souveneirs. Was that right? How can you say we abused our power? The bomb was the only choice left to us. We asked them to surrender. However, the second bombing is a different story. That was just ridiculous. This makes a good point that the bomb was a horror story, but it doesnt make Truman a monster.