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Reviews for "Bubble Tanks Arenas"

Needs more variation

I know this is another Bubble Tanks 'episode', but it needs some more variation. The editor was a good idea, it really added, but the main thing is still hopping from bubble to bubble and shooting enemies. This might bore after a while. So I think that the next time, you should variate just a bit more.
Also, I've noticed a bug. You sometimes can't lose health when you get hit by an enemy. I noticed this at the tutorial, when I encountered the shooting enemies. And your health bar isn't always visible. You might want to fix that.
For the rest, well done, but the reasons I just said give me no other option than giving you a six.

HeroInteractive responds:

Lol, did you just give me a 6 because your the organizer of the Kirby Collab which is competing for best of the day? I think you just did!

That bug is you getting hit by slow sticky bullets which don't do damage, thus not bringing up the health bar.

Finished it, finally

Bubble tanks, the original, was a great game. This is just a decent game, though.
Customization, while a nice surprise, lets you build very broken things. Like, placing as many mega cannons as you can at the edge of the class 4 bubble, then just scooting on through.
What really held this game back is the pacing. It's so slow! As said before, having to clean up the tiny no-threat enemies really adds to the time spent in a bubble, and detracts from the action.
Everything has waaaaay too much health, usefull upgrades are too rare; at one point i was convinced i was doing no damage to a ship because i'd been shooting it continuously with my highest DPS weapons, because nothing was happening. It's a shame enemy tanks don't devolve as they lose health, because that stopped them spamming up the feild, and gave you a sense of progress.
And was having that 'not enough points' error take up so much time a good idea? No. Place a part slightly off-centre, and you have to sit through a redundant message on an inactive screen, every time.

I did finish the game, but looking back, I really shouldn't have. So much time gone.

The overall concept was nice, but the actual gameplay holds it back.




dude couple things i have like 20 buble points and gun points but it wont let me get any gun

Missing any multiplayer element

Players should be able to fight other players, or race to finish a arena, or somthing, other than just making levels.