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Reviews for "Arrival In Hell 2"


I can't really play this game, but I'll review what little I can. The voice acting is okay, but it's too quiet; the music overshadows it, which basically destroys the whole point of having voice acting to begin with. Also, areas to navigate to aren't indicated at all... it took me around 30 seconds of random mouse movement to find out I could move down on the first screen.

This leads me to the biggest problem... on the second screen, literally less than a minute into the game, the cutscene just loops over and over again. The dog goes to attack the prisoner, gets picked up by the creature, and then rinse and repeat. It doesn't matter if I click the "SKIP" button or if I let the scene play though, it still infinitely repeats itself. It's not a good thing when the game gets stuck in a loop 10 seconds in.

This game could have promise, but I can't verify that until it actually plays properly. In the meantime, you get a 2/10.

"It just says error. I think there's an error"

That was written so terifically bad that you get two extra points.


Honestly you forgot to many details from the game before I won't even point out the mistakes. The first game was better than this and actually sort of made more sense and was more fun to play. Which in this type of game is very bad. There were also some obvious faults in the plot and reasoning behind why everything was happening in the first place. If you're going to give us confusion then at least give us answers. To people about to spend an hour maybe more trying to solve this game. My advice to you is don't. Play the first one again if you're looking for the same kind of thrill. Sorry to be mean but I was too disappointed in the end with this that I couldn't help but share my opinion. OH AND seriously could have done so many things if I could have picked up the rifle but noooooooooooo you had to make us pick up random crap. I get it's a point and click game but there is a limit to the amount of random key objects to solve puzzles.

Stop doing flash games.

This is one of the most horrendous game I've ever seen on this website.

The animation is completly dreadful, the voice acting is hilariously bad, the puzzles don't make any sense and the "plot" is purely shit as hell (pun intented).

This, my friends, is why we can't have nice thing here.
Unambitious people like you on this website are ruining everything by doing shitty flash game, everything is bad. Stop doing flash games. Period.

cicla responds:

well dude lot of people is enjoying the game so i wont stop doing games just cause a stupid kid like you say so... sorry dude.

Honestly, I was going to play this and give it a fair shot, but just the shitty recap with the overly convenient prison-map and the stupid origin of the beast...Well, it ruined my interest in the game before I even got going. One thing I can't stand is ret-conning. I mean, if at least your remake of the first had made the changes, that'd be different...but it's like you weren't even trying. Either do a recap right, or don't bother.