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Reviews for "Arrival In Hell 2"

bad. . .

In my opinion this is just a god-awful abomination of a game, in every way, shape, and form. the graphics were choppy and corny, the voices and dialog were terrible, and the storyline was drawn out, long, and boring. I give it a three with much hesitation.


I loved the first one, thought it was a very cool concept and such. Than when i saw there was a second one i was like "holy shit! awesome" yea... well this game is pretty bad. First off the graphics look horrible, they were quite good in the first one. The story just got kinda stupid and the recap at the beginning was... laughable. Woo 3 endings... i could barely play it through for one... Also, Doom sound effects, really? C'mon, you're characters have voices, make a sound effect or two, not very hard is it? Also, the same Doom sound effect was used numerous times >.> if you make another please spend a good amount of time on it and make it like the first one.

2 for effort

I can tell you really tried, but this game is just ugly and unfun. It's an improvement over the last, but not by much compared to other artists and game makers I've seen improve over three or four years' time. The close-up scream is more hilarious than I'm sure you intended, Magda's proportions look especially dreadful in every position, and the endings were wholly unsatisfying and confusing. Why can dude fly a a chopper in one ending but relies on the trained pilot in the other two? Why am I supposed to find a Cornholio rip-off character charming and funny? Why are the puzzles so convoluted?

I don't mean to judge your character too harshly, but I'm not sure how well you even take these reviews into consideration. This game suffers the same faults as the original. It has little going for it short of being longer and slightly better looking. Not to mention I have never seen a thoughtful author's response from you save for a witty quip here and there or ignoring a criticism to point out an inaccuracy in the critic's observation of the story.


played it 3 times... every time there was a bug and an item disapperead so i had to start over major bug dunno why no one else figured it out


Honestly you forgot to many details from the game before I won't even point out the mistakes. The first game was better than this and actually sort of made more sense and was more fun to play. Which in this type of game is very bad. There were also some obvious faults in the plot and reasoning behind why everything was happening in the first place. If you're going to give us confusion then at least give us answers. To people about to spend an hour maybe more trying to solve this game. My advice to you is don't. Play the first one again if you're looking for the same kind of thrill. Sorry to be mean but I was too disappointed in the end with this that I couldn't help but share my opinion. OH AND seriously could have done so many things if I could have picked up the rifle but noooooooooooo you had to make us pick up random crap. I get it's a point and click game but there is a limit to the amount of random key objects to solve puzzles.