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Reviews for "Castaway"

eh, i guess it was alright.

i like the concept, but the pets are too squishy. they aren't really worth capturing by far and leveling them up takes forever. they might be more useful if you could use more than one / find ways to combine them to make better battle techniques or something. after a while they effectively become useless, so maybe if you want to keep the pets, give them a more vital role? :/

the movement was also extremely awkward, imo--the keys stuck sometimes and it takes more time than it should to move around. also, since the terrain does nothing to inhibit your movement, it just gets in your way of seeing things.

the quests weren't interesting--they were your usual hack and slash: collect stuff and i'll give you a little something for it. a few of them weren't even really worth the effort. their rewards were... not worth it.

i can't say the plot was very interesting, either, and money is hard to come by. the healing item costs are also strange. i was always under the impression that although a higher level healing potion should cost more, it should still be less than the equivalent healing of the lesser healing items combined.
20 hp / 15g x 3 = 60 hp / 45 g whereas the small healing potion is 60 hp / 75 g -- it just doesn't make sense. :/

still, i spent more time than i should have on it, so, your seven.

very nicly done

Good graphics and diverse areas along with an interesting pet system where virtually any monster can become an ally. Score 10 good work and might I recomend you give serious thought to a sequel. I would love to have another one to play!

I have to admit..

Tens are never given out by me.
This game is pretty damn Remarkable.

Boring and unrewarding

The game is kind of fun at first, the graphics are certainly appealing. There were lots of problems though. Because of the limited isometric view combined with the detailed environments, many times monsters and items were caught behind foreground objects.

The monster battles were really annoying from the beginning. Finding the necessary items for a quest was tedious, and leveling up took a painstakingly long time. The game is extremely unbalanced in this aspect.

The monsters you could capture were extremely useless. At some point, you could solo the entire map (I did for most of the game). Most of the monsters were not worth capturing.

The game is extremely boring and unrewarding just a few minutes in. I went through the game completing every quest and got nothing for it, not even an achievement. Every dungeon was essentially the same, and there were no boss monsters to make things interesting, so I felt all of the skills and spells I earned were absolutely useless.

Overall, this killed more time than it should have. There are just way too many elements that need improvement. If you have some innovative idea, don't save them for the sequel, just put them right in here, and then use the sequel to further fix or enhance those features.

good job

i like it, i don't know why other people don't like it i mean if you have played any rpg in your life you should know you need to build up the player before trying to fight harder monsters. good game over all.