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Reviews for "Worlds End Umbrella"

Nothing specail

Some constructive criticism. First the criticizing. The graphics and animation were lack luster, nothing amazing and pretty basic, I'm no artist and I would never claim to be, but i think i know the difference between a masterpiece and a work in progress. Now, the constructive side. You have decent ideas for a plot and the wording seems mysterious and maybe almost poetic. The storyline needs to be beefed up a bit, it's very vague and a viewer doesn't know where anything is going. Thank you for submitting it.

Kitties are cute however...

Like many others have pointed you did not make this song and you did not give a clear easy to read credit to the artists. Albeit this must have very fun to "cover" with kitties and I do support any budding animators I just cannot see how this is anyway creative in the least. I apologize for I am very biased in my opinion having seen the original. I respect the original animation and it has captivated me. The story is unique and the animation tied to it creates a eye catching tale for the audiences.

The story behind the animation makes it whole, even the most profoundly animated flashes fall short when the story is not original or developed. Please don't let my narrow mindedness bother you, work forward to create those masterpieces but I encourage to one day fill in your own stories. :)

The original animation can viewed here as well as many other places: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhpMiL Bcsm8

There are many better places with much more accurate information available about it/

k3ltr0n responds:


I saw Lincoln walking around in pain

All of it is pretty cute (in fact, not even that) but terribly flawed.
Shortly resumed, the animation is almost absent, there's not really anything going on, and I would have called your age as an excuse, but on your profile you say you're 17 while you're said to be 13 in the description. People lying on their age aren't doing a smart move.
Now, the big problems. The storyline, as it's told by the song, is already a mish-mash of sickly sweet sentiments arranged on sickly dull jap-pop. That first, is a flaw. Choosing a mediocre song to make a video upon.

The other issue about the storyline is how you reenact it. With...cats.
First of all, those cats look like bears. Seriously. And if those were said to be bears, I'd have said they looked like cats. See the problem ? So,yeah, why cats ? I do know cats are believed to be cute and please most of Newgrounds community since it's composed by preteenagers. But heck, it's lame, there is no reason for them to be cats since they are anthropomorphic. You could have taken a couple of shit pickles and that'd have done the trick. And to fill the plot holes of the song you typed text. Understand me, you TYPED text. This is always very ugly in a flash animation. And you put dots at the end of sentences, which, while grammatically correct, is twice uglier when it comes to esthetic. You should have written the texts.

And eventually, there is nothing enthralling about this. From the first screen showing that cat running to the ending where you see the cats sleeping. And why ? Because it's so cliché. Unoriginality can bring you popularity, but never critical acclaim.

k3ltr0n responds:


Pretty mediocre

You had no real animation. Just still frames slightly changing or horrible tweening. You took another song for your inspiration which I never like, its better to make your own music. First off this is just flat out boring where you didnt even create your own story you just poorly animated what the song said. Try being original. Also you can't even create your own characters you could have created a whole different meaning to the song but no. You took the Miku video and pretty much plagerized it replacing any character with a poorly drawn cat.

TL;DR You don't know what originality is. Try and make your own work instead of blatantly copying others.


/facepalm. I'll would give you a 7.

Looks like a dumbed down PV rip from niconicodouga.
-2 Points.

Only difference is lack of some elements due to replacement of the girl and boy with two white blobs who pretends to be cats. -1 Points

Lack of proper credits of above story/idea. Closest was "by miku hatsune + hachi" Would make people think you came up with the story/idea. -3

You're left with 1.
Nanpou kenkyuusho frowns on you.