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Reviews for "Weapon."

this game was not enjoyable.

the gameplay itself just got boring really fast especially with the inconsistencies.

the premise didn't make sense: there's a guy who's standing off to the side protecting a broken helicopter. somehow he makes "money (ok credits)" by shooting people, and then he spends it at a store in the clouds. there's an entire armory of weaponry at his disposal but he can't use any of it unless he kills people first (?!). none of his enemies shoot at him despite watching their comrades get their heads blown off.

Other things that didn't quite work:
-crosshair physics were weird. a cross hair does not have relatively moving parts; everything within that circle should be stationary.
-we can make the jeeps explode but no one gets hurt except the guy on top.
-people with rocket launchers should not be shooting at point blank.
-reloading after one or two shots still makes you lose a mag.
-hired snipers camp in the line of fire....

Pathetic storyline - otherwise it's poor/ok

The storyline is seriously pathetic. Why protect a heap of junk? And if you can repair it then why not repair it to full flying capacity. And why are the enemy attacking the helicopter anyway!
Two more things I have to gripe about are the aiming and the upgrades. Upgrades are a waste of money - you could atleast make upgrades that help - And the aiming is poor.
I got bored very quickly with this as the graphics were poor and gameplay/storyline was rubbish. The only reason you got a 6 was because I like FPS.

review and reply to ray

right, this is a good game, and is very fun, at first i thought urgh, fps defence game, what a bad idea! But then when i played it i found it really fun, i like the graphics (reminds me of borderlands?) but then the enemies are really low detailed. the game is pretty hard when u get to like wave 15, and the aiming is REALLY bad in this game, u have to time the shot really well to hit someone, and the automatic guns are rubbish until theres a group of baddies or cars. i like hows theres a huige amount of upgrades and guns, and how they change the looks of the guns. Overall, a great game, but reduce the difficulty and make the enemies bigger. (I AM GOING TO WRITE THIS BIT IN CAPITALS SO IT IS EASY TO NOTICE): RAY, YOU MUST PRESS F TO CHANGE THE FIRE RATE ON THE GLOCK, AND IF IT DOESNT MAKE A CLICKING NOISE U HAVENT EQUIPPED THE GLOCK 18 MOD (CLICK IT AGAIN IN THE LODOUT NEXT ROUND), OH, AND ITS RUBBISH, VERY INNACURATE AND HAS A VERY HIGH RECOIL.

Too easy...

Far too easy with [SPOILER XD] starting with Glock 18, then just picking some balanced Machine Pistol (MP5 or TMP's my favourite) after, buying any Primary Rifle. (However [SPOILER] buying the last one, M14 isn't that bad idea as you thought first using it). Never needed any backup mags; ammo, so i don't see the point of using vests/belts.
The Delta Sniper as many people mentrioned, is completlely useless, taking out single infantry on early levels and dying in a few seconds 15+. I'd rather he helped me doing the "Sniper Job" so, not only taking out targets, but also hiding himself. (as snipers usually do >_<)
Air support is quite hard to use (only 1 per level?!) and because the enemy are rather spawning randomly afterwards (talking about 25+ level they seem to change spawn rate) and making air support hard to use.
And finally, Repair isn't getting cheaper, while enemies still come in same number (level 20+) for me.
I spend plenty of time looking any of weapons, and my personal favourite is G36c, more importantly, any gun with the single dot laser.
Please, make more of it, make it harder (or happen the player to be able changing difficulty - it's even better) and balance the goddamn weapons.
PS. The biggest flaw - aiming without laser really sucks and i find it quite random to shoot the car right in the weak point.

So so...

The aiming is off, horribly. I'm in the military, and I can turn a crappy M16 into a sniper with an ACOG. The ACOG didn't improve aiming on here at all. When you fire on a target, but have to aim about two centimeters in front of them on the game to hit them, and even then only half the time...some fine tuning is in order.

Other than that, the game would be much better with those improvements. If a piece of equipment claims to improve something, then it should reflect that in the game play a little more. It's an almost negligible difference.