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Reviews for "Shadowreign RPG"

Bunch of fun

There are some parts where the difficulty curve goes through the roof. I'm specifically talking about where i've been asked to go to an inn for some armor only to be surrounded by four very fast mobs, specially after being able to run circles around them most of the game and having no way of killing them.
I'm currently stuck there but on the upside, this game is simple yet very effective. The guis are clean and efficient and completely awesome. Sometimes however i found myself side tracked and maybe because i didn't pay attention to the intro i found myself struggling to remember what i was supposed to do for a quest so i just stumbled about until i bumped into something familiar.

Personally i would have liked to see more done with the aoe aspect of the game. The attacks in there were very limited due to the cast time and cooldown and i found myself picking off enemies one by one and hoping i didn't pull another and spent most of my gate fights running in circles slowing one enemy and picking off the other. The aoe would have been a much more fun and enjoyable aspect if it could be more easily used. I'm just a big fan of killing lots of mobs quickly.

After a brief respec, i find myself able to kill monsters without running as a warder/glad hybrid. Also, the game doesn't save after the last boss. I had some more exploring left to do and that's kind of depressing.

Over all the game was great and my only real gripe is the graphics. But for the simplicity of the game, i think the graphics fit.
Can't wait for the next one.

ok, but a few things i didnt like

i'll make this quick

-needs an option to pause quickly in the game
-needs to be able to turn off the music
-some sort of quest log to keep track of all the quests
-needs more unique quests other than "kill this, kill that"


Quite enjoyable little free RPG , however there's so many flaws... so many of them that I almost didnt finish the game because of them..

First of All , how the hell did my ranger end up having - 39 agility base with no equips on? Im level 40 and my str and focus is still 5 base , but wtf -39 agi? Dude thats so messed up , at that point you're better off getting talent reset and just switching to warrior >.>

Second of all , I know this is done intentionally but the cost of potions increasing each time you level , and do not even heal more % just seems odd to me. Then again i've used maybe 5 pots in the whole game so..hmm

Third , each time you load the game , a part of your map is missing even tho you visited it before..

Forth , Having random rewards from quests just doesnt work at all , load and go talk to them 10 times to get a piece of equip you need takes away the fun.

Fifth , assasin class is completly unpowered and useless lol

I could probably think of other things but yeah .. alot of work went into making this I know and I did finish it like I said , but man seeing myself lack 44 agility was a horrible feeling , I beat the last boss with my ranger , loaded , reseted to warrior , geared him up and I was invincible , just get max regen , max armor boost and wear the shadowslayer gears for defense lol

Havent died once btw , so i'd like to know how you can get negative stats when i've been a ranger the whole game with all my points into ranger skills ( other than armor boost and killing spree) im guessing its because I didnt finish it in 1 play and if thats the case .. it sucks , fix it please

I'll give you a 8 still , looking forward to seeing this new multi-class engine in hands of war 2 and hopefully you will take in consideration the bugs present in this game.

graphics could've been better

nevertheless a nice game

Great game. However don't really like the auto-attack function
Also, really Fuzz-Paw? You give it 0 stars just because the how the sexes were portrayed.
Next time you have a period, don't write a review