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Reviews for "Cooking (bocodamondo)"


Sorry but the jokes suck alot and you can animate decently or draw good.You can't even voice act decently, only some other flash authors did it great.Soory I don't think this is funny at all.

bocodamondo responds:

evryone and with hes felling!.evryone with hes felling...

really not a good flash

its like a 12 year old who knows too many retarded outdated memes and watches nickelodeon 24/7 gets a retarded idea to make a story with this knowledge, give it a horrible plot, purpose misspelling and inaccurate dialog. I would rather shave my skin to the bone marrow with a cheese grader than watch this again.

bocodamondo responds:

please go fuck yourself i have bad time ):(...

Um... No... Your doing it wrong...

Honestly, you need to get better at animating, use something other than a boom mic, don't speak like a lolcat ("I wants money", really?), and you really need to put some actual time into drawing these things. I mean a box that says "sweaty socks" on it? It's just lame. You could have done like a sweaty gym bag with socks coming out of the top.
You seriously need a better microphone though. It is actually slightly painful to listen to. (Especially when people eat) You should also use more original audio files, because it is pretty annoying to hear the snickers commercial twice in 10 seconds.
It was honestly just all around awful.

PS: were they supposed to talk like LOLcats, or in disjointed English?

bocodamondo responds:

say what you waaaant
you can't blam it ^^

no. just no. seriously, no. WHAT IS THIS!

it's like looking at a plane crash! MAKE IT STOP!

1. drawn like an amateur
2. couldn't stand the opener enough to watch past 10s of the show.

bocodamondo responds:

say what you waaaant
you can't blam it ^^

It's okay

How did you get Egoraptor to work with you on this?