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Reviews for "Exmortis 3"

it looked nice...

bout all i can say for it, im not to keen on the game change, doesnt make sense, and im not paying money for free shit anyways

wtf happened >.>

dude wth happened you turned the greatest series into crap with this demos dont tell you anything and why should i pay for it when the demo sucks im disappointed this doesnt even follow exmortis 1 & 2 or i just dont catch it in the demo and i give it a 3 as an overall grapics was the only thing u got on this


are you serious? i've been waiting for years to play this with my dad. me and him played the first two and i checked up on it regullarly. one day i gave up all hope, until recently, when i decided to check it out. i knew how long hes been working on it so i expected the greatest game ever. i got this. THIS PIECE OF CRAP! since when did he have telikinetic abillities, what up with the sniper dude, and P2P?!?!?!? i love the series, i truly do, but im not paying to play this. also, it auto saves on the demo, but you cant save unless you pay. i know, youve been working on this for a long time, and it cost money to work on it, but couldn't you have been nice and just asked on your blog"hey, could you send some money to help me get this up and running".

dude what happened

dude u changed the game completely im srry man but this is shit please do a smart thing and IF u make a 4th game make it free and go back 2 the original gameplay.............................

agreed all around

:( you broke our hearts.... makign it P2P. you cant make a series then turn around and expect to sell a sequel to us. we wait for something and gave no warning to it needing to be purchased.... we hope you make it free. because you will never profit on broken hopes and dreams my friend. for every fan who does buy it... 5 will lose interest. thats 5x lost profits to what you gain.

i love the games. but i will not play this demo. i dont want to be teased by what i cannot have.