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Reviews for "Epic Battle Fantasy 2"

Not too shabby!

Excellent work! Not too easy and not too hard and the attacks are pleasing to the eye!

Odd glitch but fuuun

Didn't get far, will keep playing but there was one sorta thing that bugged me. I got the first medal for killing the kitty tank...but the medal icon when it came up telling me I got it. Well, it never went away. I dunno if anyone else has experienced this but I did...sorta odd. Well, maybe I'll see if it happens again another time when I'm more awake and it's not past midnight. Awesome game as usual, will play more soonage.

Wow great game

its just so fucking annoying with some fights

Good game

Really nice game,easy to play,fast paced,all that you like from a jrpg is here!

OH MY GOSH!!! I see a pheonix!!!

To say this was an improvment over the first Epic Battle Fantasy would be underestimating it. So many stuff that was wrong with the last game was corrected. So let's get to it.

First off are the save points. There was a few bad spots I didn't mention in the last review, like the save aspect; in the last game, there was NONE!! Boy, what torture! Thankfully, you provided us with not one, but two save spots. As for the people who think there should be one after every stage, *punches those people*. Okay, that's better.

Anyhow, you also added some sort of leveling up mechancs. I don't see any levels, but you can improve in some way depending on your actions after each wave, not stage, giving it a Final Fantasy II feeling in terms of leveling up, just without the reverse-negative part, thankfully.

I also liked how you used original stuff throughout the game, except for Power Metal. Tell me you're going to replace it with an original one in the 3rd EBF, not that it's bad, mind you. But You don't want Dragonforce up your throat, do you?

The final boss, is actually and thankfully, a little easier. Seriously, Undead Goku actually gave me a harder time than the Valkyre. Speaking of which, even the curve was improved, so that there's no real spikes before the final confrotation. If there were any, at least they weren't as pointy as those "dotty" monsters from the last EBF.

The battle system is still the same (0.5 taken off for little changes for the better, but thankfully there weren't any that were for the worse), but thankfully you added a minigame to break up the monotony. But I can't seem to get the high score intended for the medals, either because I'm a bad player or the minigame didn't gave you enough HP/Time (might be the former).

There was, however, one element that seems to be missing from my team's arsenal: Water. Some of the logs' weaknesses say water can be used. But from what I've seen, neither Matt nor Natallee can use a water-elemental attack, especially since it's my favorite element. For leaving it out, 0.5 point was taken off, leaving you with Nine so far.

There was actually some sort of story this time around, thankfully. No furhter comment, here, except that Nazi symbol on lance probably wasn't the best choice. But nontheless, I won't take point off for it.

You used original audio, this time around, and thank GOD none of them were embarassing. However, this time around, some voice acting for the duo (and Lance) would've been nice, especially Natz XD.

The graphics got a little better, it's just not obvious. Although I missed Natallee's old costume, her....errrrrrr........"pose", was kinda.......never mind. Speakinng of pose, let me bring up something I forgot to add. These..."Limit Breaks", for a lack of better term, are a nice touch, and they literally saved my life a few times.

Man, you've really gone out of your way to correct your mistakes from the last game, and it shows. There's littlebigroom (pun not intended) for additional improvment, but for now, this is really THE Epic Battle Fantasy. Would an Epic Story make it TRULY an EBF? It's up to you.

I give Epic Battle Fantasy 2 a Nine out of Ten. As a result of this score, Epic Battle Fantasy 2 has earned the Gold Medal.

matt-likes-swords responds:

Lol thanks.

There is indeed no water magic, but I gave enemies weaknesses against it just in case I added it.

I'm also surprised that no one so far has been seriously offended by the swastika.
Everyone just says "OMG that might offend someone".

I've never tried voices before and don't feel like starting now, don't really need the extra work.
Though who knows.