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Reviews for "Tankmen: Incursion"


Man, this game is amazing. Those graphics are incredible! The way he moves and the lasers, and the enemies are all top notch; I think everybody here agrees about that. Personally, I could see the lasers pretty well, but some people couldn't, which I thought was understandable since they were similar colors on the first level. I liked how the awesome background changes to other awe-inspiring backgrounds every level (BTW, its easier to see on the second level, it's darker), sadly I only got to Level Two before dieing.

But it has some fatal flaws.
Primero: el Camera. That thing was killer (and not in a good way, like, it literally killed Captain on multiple occasions). It would be really great if it was like that when you first spawned, and zoomed out when you moved, BUT stayed zoomed out. If you want it to move while your still, make it zoom in only very slightly.

Dos: the Movement. This was good and bad. Overall it had it down, but it seemed you were stepping on ice to much. Bit too slidey; either git rid of it or reduce it plenty. Also, when you jump and fire at the same time, you fly backwards way too much. Makes it tough to aim.

Overall, awesome game. Fix the flaws and you fix yourself in portal history.

All too misleading.

At first when the game started it was smooth and just plan cool looking and even when the game started it was great. But after the first few steps the camera jolted off towards some flying robot and then afterwards it just started going all over the place. I didn't like that the camera consintrated on the enemies more then the player character itself. This made it impossible to aim and to navigate got frustrating as well. Not to mention the enemies after hitting you once would knock you down and would just kill you. This had a great potential to be an awesome game but just the graphics itself were misleading. If you could fix it so that the camera isn't going crazy and perhaps fixed the combat up a bit this game might not only look good but play great as well. But like everyone else has said good graphics don't make the game and since the majority of the game frustated me I can only give it in my own opinion 2 stars out of 10. Cause if I can't even play through it I can't give it a real rating. Good attempt better luck next time.

bad.. kinda

This game was crap because of the camera... other than it was nice lol

you messed it up

the graphics were TOTALLY AMAZING, and how he moved in 3d, yeah, that was cool, BUT you completely messed it up by the FUCKING camera AND the fact that you had to jump on platforms.

This game could of been the greatest game on ng, but you made it the worst....


The graphics were awsome...but the game itself is just horrible. As people hav said graphics dont make a good game. This is true. The camera moves around wayyy to much and my lasers blend in with the background and the whole flying enemy thing is just...well..stupid. For a while i thought those flying leaves were killing me and i tried to shoot them. lol

If you put more effort in the gameplay it would have been sweet. Failure leads to success.