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Reviews for "Tankmen: Incursion"

Nooo... just nooo....

Another fine example that good graphics don't make a good game.

The character, enemies and effects blend in with the map and the background, the walk animation is just stupid, the controls are hard and mapped to complicated keys, the camera needs to be more static, the angle which I can shoot at is limited, while the enemies fly all over the place, and they take too much hits before they can finally die.

You put way too much thought into the detail, and just smacked some scripts into it and called it a game. I realize this is supposed to be a homage to your other animation for madness day, but no, Ok? No. Think game adaptations of Hollywood movies. Why would you think it would have worked for you?

Im sorry but the BLING just fails to impress me by itself.

I didn't like it.

I'll just sum up what I think is bad about this game:

The music doesn't fit with the game type, and is really annoying.
The tankmen looks really stupid and moves around like a gimp.
The enemies are too strong, they can move through walls and when they shoot you your unit gets blown way back.
When firing aiming is really hard, especially because the enemies spazz around the screen.
THE CAMERA. Why can't it just be stationary, even moving around with your character. The enemies are all spazzed out, and that makes the camera even more spazzed out, especially when there are more then one weird, flying, through rock going robots shooting you.

I think you gave the best explenation about this game yourself. You take control of the captain (who suddenly obtained a new pair of glasses) as you frenetically shoot your way through enemies.

Held promise but didn't cut it.

This game held promise. The graphics were amazing, the sounds were awesome, music was good and not distracting, the controls were simple and responsive. However, the camera crushed this.

An interesting concept that wasn't delivered well. If an enemy came nearby the camera would jump and I would loose my bearings for a split second. When there were no enemies the camera zoomed right in to the point where I couldn't see where I had to go. Unless I jumped, so I spent most of my time hopping around like a fool just to see where I had to go.

In the end, a lot of good ideas, but the camera makes this almost unplayable.

The concept...

The attempt at being original also led to your "downfall". XD

The camera was a very interesting concept, however, for the average person, playing this game will probably make them feel dizzy. If the camera was more stable, it would've made this game much better.

The art direction and BGM selection is very nice. Perhaps there were unlockables, but I dare not play this game for more than 2 minutes at a time.

4/5 - 7/10


I agree with Darkmaster and Spendoo. If you can edit the game an either reduce the amount it zooms, or just take the zooming out altogether this game would be very good.