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Reviews for "Piggy123s flash tutorial"

Oh dear God!

Art/Animation: 0/10
Badly drawn writing, a few generic drawings and the default font. Can this flash do anything right?

Plot/Concept: 0/10
Well, the layout was kinda confusing, and there really wasn't much content. Half the buttons didn't work either..

Audio/Music: -2/10
Seriously, not good. "Flashy" sounded kinda like Alvin and the Chipmunks on a walkie-talkie to a radio being played through a television with no reception. And that ain't a good thing.\

Overall: 0/10
I would give you negative points if I could, but unfortunately, you'll have to settle for 0. Try again. Much harder.

[Review Request Club]

piggy123 responds:

well this was made quite a while ago

Not good

Wow, this was pretty bad. Graphics aren't a major concern in tutorials, but a bit more eye candy doesn't hurt as well. Here we just have black rectangles with red texts as buttons, a white background and some strange looking circle with arms that mubmles constantly.

A tutorial should explain how to do something and it should explain why this line of code is necessary and why that line should be there and not here, etc. .

Just giving people the code and saying "copy this" doesn't help them at all.

It was also pretty annoying that I had to click "play" constantly after hitting the "end" button. Just take the viewer back to the main menu.

{ Review Request Club }

piggy123 responds:

there was a real tutorial but it got messed when i added the preloader!