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Reviews for "Epic War 2"


The game was nice even at lvl 17 but lvl 18 its f-up , overpowered ...
I bet 10m $ u cant beat a 3.2 mil hp boss with 1000 atk that even heals hemselfe
or mby somtheng else was healing hem but i dont think so..
U cant beat these game ITS TOO HARD, not even cheating >.>
I hate it fix those crap things , stop making the PC create units fast as hell , add more mana or faster mana recovery or else its ... omg
I hate it


I'm actully surprised that this came on to the front page...... dude everything is friggin easy and then.. you have to fight the orcs they keep spawning units without pauze and even when your shooting 4 arrows summoning paladins and knight and crossbows non stop you get killed by their totems and their rock throwers i've been playing for over 2 hours and and just simply alt+f4'd the game because i got tired of getting killed by the orcs..... so my final oppinion on this game is that it should only be played by bicurious hamsters who like to rape flying bananas

Not Impressed

Ok the first Epic War was amazing but with the up grading system in battle well it sucks. Plus like what jtimp69 said it was really unfair when you start all you have are soldiers and yea still love the turret but it doesn't cut it any more. And trying to upgrade my tower even after I spent a $#!+ load of xp to get it that lvl and yet im up to level 9 and i still don't have a freaking elemental arrow and all of the elves all of the sudden have frost arrows that freeze the crap out of my paladins and the totems oh god the totems constantly seeing my units flying in the air really started to P!$$ ME OFF and the range on the totems was insane i mean come on man. And don't get me started on starting mana stockpiles in the last game you can upgrade things that gave you extra mana boosts. My suggestion go and replay your first game and reflect on the awesomeness that is EPIC WAR 1 (and BTW the sory just kinda got in my way).


First review:6/10 2/5
Second look:3/10 0/5

Quick review: Took to much away from the old game and tried to make it over the top.


i got hooked on epic war 1(beat final boss first try woot) and i saw this and i thought i loved the first one why not play this one and to tell the truth i was dissapointed like ravangeko said "Also in the following game that was hinted at, please make it so that the elemental arrows explode in a torrent of arcane power, like they did in the first one, i was really sad when that was taken away." and the thing that dissapointed me was that it was to repetive (mana upgrade more mana more upgrades SPAM) also the massive swarm of enemies when you hit the castle got to damaged sucked beacuse my archers coulndt kill them ad i had no epics to kill them and they got my castle down really close to dying which in my opion sucked

Looks nice... but sucks to play.

I usually love these games, and it's easy to tell how much work has been put into it. That being said, the artist spent too much time on making it look nice, and has done nothing to improve gameplay.

The story... is way too wordy, and scrolling through a few pages of poorly written text before playing a level sucks. This is the VERY FIRST game on Newgrounds where I wasn`t able to force myself through all of the text, and began skipping it fairly early... not a good sign.

Gameplay is the same as the first... I still don`t want to have to tap the A button to fire all through a 20 minute game. It`s boring, repetitive and since the leveling system is garbage, you can actually play just the first level and know exactly what to expect from the entire game.

Wholly disappointing. Don`t waste your time on this one.