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Reviews for "Epic War 2"


cool game but it laggs and i cba waitin on this shit


i think^_^

Fuck this game!

This game has potential to be fun. I have to say that right now before I vent my anger in the form of this review. I'm angry and may get irrational, but I'll try and keep this constructive.It could have been good...
This game is fucked!
When you make a level that is nearly impossible, throw in 20 dragons, a black dragon, a handfull of demons, and then power spawn the most powerfull units from every race untill the count reads around 100; you've made a fucking mistake.
Also, I'm sure you've heard it already, but the upgrade system for this is both idiotic and boring. It took me several days to get to where I gave up, and it wasn't because it was hard.It's because I kept dozing off while playing this.
The enemy being able to spawn units you can't use and while also being able to spawn handfulls of any unit type at a time was a poor game choice.
And if the word overpowered has ever been needed for a game, it's in relation to these fucking boss characters.
I don't know why I even played this game as long as I did!
It has so many flaws and idiotic mistakes and frustrating game elements, with almost zero polish I might add, I just don't know! I want to know what made you think half of this was a good idea?
Also, there were some little things that bugged me. Such as the many many typos and gramatical errors in the story plot parts of the game. Plus they were too long. I play games to play games, not read a mini-novel that reads like it's been written by a small dislexic child!
It's like you took a glance at Epic War, then took a glance at a Lord Of The Rings book, and then butchered them both and glued them together,.
The best parts of Epic War are gone!
Gone are all of the really cool tower abilities. Gone are the upgrades that were worth getting. Gone are all of the fun elements of the original game!
Maybe I'm being a bit harsh because I'm so pissed at this game. It did look pretty nice, and some of the levels had me on the edge of my seat. But no matter how I look at it, the game had more frustration factors than fun factors .
This game needs ALOT of work before it's worthy of a good score or even a few hours of playtime. Hopefully all of this shit will be fixed in the sequel, if there is one.
And I'm still angry!

F this noise

Lets see here, the game was half fun up until i wanted to jump out my window. Come on, How the hell can you face all those dragons n shit at once??!?!? I had the frog dude down to 5000 and got destroyed, totaly not fair!! This game was a time consumer but I hate it!!! COME ON DUDE!!!! Have a full mana option once per round or something to make it a little more fair. *RASPBERRIES ON YOUR FACE!!!


on the heart of the elfs misson as soon as the ai s health went below 3000 a MASSOV AMOUNT OF mega units came out has this happend to iny of you?

soo ya its ok but ya it kinda screwed me over

also it was instent and whats up with the ai geting instent archers and things like that