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Reviews for "Epic War 2"

Great Job

Great Job bro, nice graphic and game play, congratulations for the front page!


The game is great, really, but omg its too slow, put ae speed up button, URGENTLY


I didn't find it as gratifying as the first one, but this certainly was an amazing game!
I did enjoy how you had to upgrade every battle. Although that kinda gave a repetative stratagy. first get mana, second build/upgrage then when your good, spam 'q' and 'w' and selectivly summoning other stronger units.
I do wish that experience frrom one race could be spent on another so one would not have to play the game 3 times spending hours grinding xp.
Another thing... Anyone able to tell me how to unlock the special achievment characters?

Where the hell do I start?

Ok well I played the whole game over a spand of two weeks. lets put it this way. Cons and pros. Then I have my personal thoughts.

- Graphics were good, very creative.
- Not one glitch I even saw.
- Variety of enimies and allies.
- Could pick from elves, orcs, and mankind.
- Had achievements which make the game more interesting.
- Good background to fit the races.
- The races had different types of qualities.
- Had 3 bosses, very interesting.
- Had a story line.
- The game took a lot of strategy to beat the different enemies.
- Music was awesome. Fit the mood very well.
- Gave different information about the enemies.

- Having to upgrade in every single battle, only adds time.

- Story lines got boring and long sometimes. Sometimes there really wasnt a point of the characters talking.

- Lag, this game lags way to much when theres a lot of units on the field.

- Mana boost for the enemy. When I touch the enemies castle it gets very annoying knowing the enemies will come out and I will get a major lag. It would help to just send out powerful enemies instead of 50 little ones that lag me up.

- Mana regeneration. In the first EPIC WAR you got mana off killing the units. believe. In this one it doesnt do that, you just have to wait for your mana to come up. It makes the game longer and tiring. Either give more mana or make it go up when killing enemy units. Its hard enough trying to upgrade it, do we have to wait to?

- The final boss, lord of hell is pretty much a pointless boss. He doesnt attack air units which by far makes this way to easy to defeat him. All I have to do it send angels out to him and come back when another angel is available. This really was a major fail. You made him look cool and awesome, but his abilitys sucked.

- Ok, now NOBODY has mentioned this on the reviews yet but this seems to bother me a lot. You always mentioned the 3 SONS of destiny. Now, for the 3 sons I believe you have a human warrior, a orc warrior, and a WOMAN elf mage it appears. It shouldnt even be called 3 sons unless the lady elf is a transvestite. Its 2 sons and 1 daughter as I see it.

Suggestions, which are most important I believe. When you go to make EPIC WAR 3 here are a few suggestions.

- Let us make up our army from bits a pieces from other races of armys. It would make the game a lot more fun to experiement with.

- More races, you got a lot of this off lord of the rings I see. You could have other races such as the undead, reptiles, wind army, fire army, just saying.

- Dont put the new game option right above the continue option, I havent clicked the new game option by accident YET, but I'm sure its quite possible. So next time you make this game, please dont have it like that.

- Have an option to change to different types of war music in the game, I anjoyed the music it was awesome, but it got annoying after awhile. So it would nice if you could change it along with having other music that comes up out of nowhere that isnt an option.

Hmm, thats all I can think of right now for suggestions.

Now for my person experiences and thought in the game.

Well I mus say you've outdone your self this time... I was excited when I typed in an EPIC WAR search and found there was a EPIC WAR 3. I was blown away! The game was really cool. I liked how you could change races and earn them, however, the re-upgrading for the other races was very frustrating and long. The music during the boss battles was wicked! When I was on level 13 and I didnt have the titan units yet I fought against the elves and they threw a red dragon and fire devil at me and I was pounding them down with my pallys. Finally I defeated them.

The frog boss was very hard. I faced him and all his troops kept me from moving my angel ,devil, and titan and he was right up at my base at the end and I had my angel there and the frog was attacking my base and I was almost dead while the frog was almost dead and the angel and frog died at the same time, that was awesome!

The end wasnt that great, took to long. The lord of hell was cool but never hard.

Pretty AWESOME!!!

I haven't finnished the game when i wrote this so far its really awesome i just don't like the aiming of the arrows, as far as i can see "EpicWar 1" and 2 are tied. Chuck Norris rules!!! :)