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Reviews for "ACML III: Bliss"

Very disappointing

Seriously... not that good...
Well there's an effort... but it's hardly a work from 5 people combined. The cartoon is really badly drawn, the naked picture is overused. And you had to use the well known artist's music when there is a good composer in your team. Personally this butchered a good music for me.

touch and go for me...

looks like you put some time into it and that's good. I don't have much more to say than others have. But it didn't keep me interested throughout. I stopped it before it ended. Most of that was the intros too. Make those a lot shorter.

Not bad, just ok

Story: 1/10
I was wondering if this had a storyline or plot to it. It mostly just seemed like a random gush of events and colors. I'm not sure about why the "protagonists" on this absolutely had to be naked nearly all the time, just was redundant and way over-used. In just that way it never seemed to continue. Although this song was about envy and love it seems to have just divided into two different parts in this animation.

Music: 4/10
The music not created by muse was sub-par in the sense that it sounded very mono toned and uneventful, you have the build up, but when it comes to the chorus I found it too repetitive.

Art: 4/10
The art was mixed, as this was a collaboration. Some parts didn't look like they went past a rough sketch then again some other parts were absolutely great, good or average.
I'd have a better time explaining this if you put in the alias or name of who created these said pieces.

Animation: 4/10
Again it seemed very mixed, there was some good animation in that some scene's meshed well together but then again a few stuck out like a sore thumb.
Tweening is ok - so long as it's not overused.

Overall: 6/10
It was ok, better then a majority of collab's, but still was lacking a message or context.
You could say that you made this out of just trying to be artsy but then again it didn't seem like it was properly finished. If this was for just experimentation well then I could fully understand what this was about.
Stated by the first paragraph: the flashing colors and naked people just seemed way over used and too out of it for just simply trying to get a message across, experimenting or trying to be artsy, rather more for attention. The love/envy composition muse made wouldn't just focus on physical attraction for happiness, as it is kind of shallow.
Given that you just started up as a team, I'm not sure getting publicity this sort of way can do any favors for Aqua Core if you're planning it for the long run.

I look forward to your next animation and seeing if/how much you can progress.
You all have a lot of potential, please put it to more use.

Tarienn responds:

Tarienn - THIS is what I want when you downplay our flash, A nice long explaination. Not all this 1 liner crap people have been leaving. THANK YOU for your review, it's a nice change from all the useless downplaying ones I see.

Not amazing

I'm sorry but I really don't see how this took 6 people to create. I've seen better animations by amateurs, and this seemed a little lazily done- like instead of animating full body movements, you just manipulated already drawn frames-in most parts. It also seemed a bit too cliche, what with the transforming scenes and male-female art etc...I could nitpick, but I'll just say it all seemed too familiar to me.


Not Bad. It's an okay song....Just Ugh.