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Reviews for "5 Steps to Seem Smarter"


That was funny as hell good job. I love your flash quality. Anyways great job I hope to see more from you.

thejuiceizloose responds:

Thanks for the response bud. I should have some more out before the end of the year. I have some older submissions, but the quality isn't nearly as good.

Not bad.

A bit after the burning scene I realized something along the lines of "He looks a lot like that character from that old cartoon, doesn't he?". The "Doug funny's gay uncle" line confirmed my theory.

Decent animation, gave me a bit of a laugh. I can really relate to the amorphous blob of snot that are most infomercial hosts.

thejuiceizloose responds:

I'm glad someone shares my perception of infomercial hosts! Thanks for the review.

Many a thoughts compressed into two words:

Ish guuuuud.

thejuiceizloose responds:

Killer! Glad you enjoyed it.


...hahahahahahahahahah.....ahh....tha t was awesome....tion....u gets an 8

thejuiceizloose responds:

Thanks for the review bud. Got a quarter of the way through and realized I was animating a Doug Funny look a like.


kinda drifted off toward the end

Q. how many pancakes dose it take to make a dog house?
A. none. alligators cant fly

thejuiceizloose responds:

Peanut Butter Crackers?