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Reviews for "The_Weekend"

Hmm pretty good

Yeah, not bad dude. You've got good potential. While there could be some improvements with a few small bits like graphics, it was an overall very good flash. Good variety of techniques too.

Keep up the good work

brokenfridgehinge responds:


It'd get you a great mark, but...

...it's kind of ugly to look at. You demonstrate some solid Flash skills, and I'd mark you high as a teacher/assessor, but it lacks the polish of a high-scoring NewGrounds submission.

Lots of potential, and a good start, but you still have a ways to go in refining your art. Things like disappearing text on buildings, cars driving over elements of a background they should be driving under, etc. really take away from what is a solid little narrative.

brokenfridgehinge responds:

Thank you for your feedback, I am still learning flash and all the drawing tools so my next submission should look more polished than this one.

Not bad

Nt bad for your first. i some what like it

pretty good

it is good for ur first submission

Good work

The art wasn't supreme, and the animation was a little jerky, but you went from concept to product and overall it was a good first submission.