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Reviews for "Final Fantasy Tenki"


The whole thing was, well, boring. It would have really helped if you hadn't made the voice acting so s l o w . I understand you're not fluent, though (neither am I), so I can forgive it somewhat... but, it just lacked gusto. I'm sure the jokes could have been funnier, but it lacked comedic timing and it just didn't work for me. Of all the elements, I didn't mind the graphics, really. And your use of weather puns in the names was kind of witty, so I can appreciate that humor regardless of my overall feelings about the work.

Anyways, as you've mentioned, this was just a school project and not your best work, so I won't judge you by this. Since this made it to the front page, I hope that I can see better stuff from you on the front page in the future :/

RPGsrok responds:

I know what you mean. Ya think it was fun listening to someone in your group, who you KNOW has to act in your movie, and he sucks, and there's nothin you can do about it? I think some of the "comedic timing" may have been sapped as a result of some odd sound syncing problems I tried my best to fix. LOL, you got the weather puns! Did you notice that the last kanji in the ultimate storm thing says "kumo"? =D I honestly didn't expect front page from this, and I'm still not sure if this movie deserves it. But I guarantee, my next movie (if it gets on the front page at all...) will be amazingly better than this (at least in animation and story, it's not really a comedy) and I hope you look forward to it. Thanks for not judging me based on this, I appreciate your review.

I really wanted to like this one...

But in the end, I found it kind of boring.

Good but not great

I like the final fantasy background but the people in this had no fealing. It was very monotone and boring but the story was well thought out. I hope to see more.

It was decent.

Didn't find it very funny, tho the idea was good. Better luck next time.

Eh, I almost closed it halfway

Okay since you gave a heads-up regarding animation, I won't touch that. But I have to say that you managed to emulate the Matrix syndrome of the last two movies of the trilogy, you took something simple and stretched it til it almost fell apart.

The story's message was a good one, and I'm mostly referring to the end of the flash. The rest was plain boring, neither exciting nor funny, I found very little in this flash except that I was curious to how it all ended.

I will say this and people may hate me for it, but you've managed to grab the feeling of typical animes. I don't know if the japanese market is full of dumb kids but it's ironic how everything has to be explained in a slow and simple way, like the monotone explanation of how the game worked and the Grade F soap opera found in most anime's dialogues.

I congratulate you on making it to the Frontpage, something I'll never achieve, but I just didn't enjoy this flash a lot.

RPGsrok responds:

Well, I can make excuses (needed to fit grammar requirements, trying to make fun of bad animes) but overall, I admit it isn't my best work and hey, a lot of people who reviewed seemed to have not made it through halfway. I hope you take a look at some of my other work (see 'precipice') and see if that's at all better. In brief: this movie is only OK, I know, my next one will be better.

Thanks for congrats on the front page. Still, looking back, I'm not sure if this deserved it. Truthfully, I wonder if any entry with Final Fantasy in the entry that scores above a 3 is automatically front-paged. I hope my next work will really deserve the front page. Thanks for reviewing.