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Reviews for "Sorry"

I felt your art looked familiar, but I wanted to say you're awesome, very talented and there's people that care please don't give up :D

hey flowerpuke, i am glad you did not go through with it and hope you will continue to fight and not go through with it ever. as someone who has struggled with thoughts for a decade of my life and seen friends fall victim to it for such little things, i really do hope you get the help and support you need and work towards being happy wherever you are and especially with yourself because a healthy happy life is out there for you.

Don't feel any need to apologize, there's nothing wrong with wanting to start fresh. Especially given the circumstances. I'm kinda struggling to find the right words since so much has been said already, but I'll try. It's good to see you're still with us. I don't even know if you remember this, but that Q&A you did where answered my question about your backgrounds really opened my eyes. I've taken much of that advice to heart and it's been very influential to my art ever since. Especially the tip you gave about giving the character a gradient border and then gaussian blurring it to make them stand out against a busy background. I use that so much and I can't thank you enough for it.

And thank you for being so upfront about this in general. It takes so much bravery to be this open. Please take care of yourself, as hard as I know that can be sometimes. I can't say I've ever been in your exact circumstances, but I have felt similar feelings at least. I know how tough it can be to continue when you feel like things aren't ever gonna get better. They do, eventually. Life's never perfect forever, but it's not all bad forever either.

This is probably a small comfort at best, ultimately, but I still wanted to let you know the impact you've had and try to throw some support your way.

Hey FlowerPuke, I know the kind words of a bunch of random internet strangers can only go far but I just wanted to tell you that awhile ago now, I uploaded my first ever drawing. A quick messy piece of my sona character, Cammy. This wasn't just my first piece of Newgrounds but on any social. I didn't even have a Twitter or Instagram account yet. The reason I'm talking about this is because you commented on that piece saying you liked the design and gave it 5 stars. What was just another day on Newgrounds for you meant the world to me. The idea that an established artist would take the time to give my work the time of day made me unbelievably happy and to this day that comment still is part of the reason I even upload my art online.

All of this to say, I understand what you're going through. I almost took my own life one time as well, but you've had an impact on people in ways you probably can't even fathom. People have clawed their way back from darker pits but it's up to you to find the motivation to stay on that path. A few mistakes won't ruin your life. Friends come and go, college is overrated as fuck. Whatever you end up doing, I wish you the best. Life isn't peaches and blossoms but it's always worth living. That's what I've learned after my own failed attempt

Don't give up

Tomorrow is a new day

I love your art and am praying for you

I know that tantalizing feeling of ending it all but it's not the right choice.

I know we don't know each other but if you need someone to talk too or just vent send a message okay?

Even now your art brought me here to want to form this new connection so don't give up.

I pray that God aids you now in this time of need in your life

I hope you have a good day today and a good day tomorrow and the next and the next

A verse I find comforting when I've had feelings like this is
Jeremiah 29:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Because I needed to remember that there is Hope for the Future and God has plans for me

I don't know if that'll impact you the same but it's something I truly believe that God has a plan for you as well

So please don't give up Hope

Tomorrow's just a day away