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Reviews for "The Death Trap"


Voice acting was comically bad and the game was a rather comedic schizophrenic mish-mash of conflicting backgrounds and bad dialogue. It was like a four year old's take on Saw, but without the whole "retribution" aspect. Jigsaw was just some sick fuck who got off to scaring people.

Keeping in mind that this was made in 2006, it's absolute shit.

Needs some work

It would be nice iif it had subtitiles and allowed us to go through the letters at our own pace. Also, it'd be nice if you could packmore into each room. Keep working on this!

The Saw V of Flash Games

This really was the Saw V of Flash Games: The plot was convoluted, the gameplay was a mess, and the logic was simply nonexistent.

Plot: Nothing in this game makes any sense. So, fake-Jigsaw (whom I'm going to call "Crossword Puzzle"), just happens to come across Ray Melali after he has a car accident (without sustaining any major injuries. Either that or Crossword nursed him back to health, which seems unlikely given that we don't encounter an infirmary.) I find it extremely unlikely that a house in the middle of nowhere that apparently reaches up into space (?) would be overlooked, if the newspaper article is accurate, and over 30 people have been kidnapped. What was the point of CP leaving that for Ray to read, anyway?
And getting to the end of the game gives us no reward: The killer apparently had no motivation, the 18-year old subplot just vanishes into nothingness right after it's brought up, and all we get is some incredibly week exposition.

Oh, and why does my character die if he doesn't know the day he was kidnapped? Does CP magically appear and kill him? Does his brain commit suicide from being so stupid?

Gameplay: There is barely any gameplay. Whenever the character enters an important room, we are told exactly what to do, either through narration or obvious visual cues. The 'puzzles' are either pure chance (the Serial Killer and coffee cup puzzles), or just tedious. The encounters with the demonic entities only raise more questions (Exactly how did CP summon these? Why did he summon them? How are these things considered 'death traps' of any kind?), and you are explicitly told what to do, so there isn't any challenge there.

The jumpscares are absolutely random, don't effect the game in any discernible way, and are clearly just there in order to be able to safely declare this a "horror" flash game. Truly the only thing 'horrifying' about it is the quality. The game is incredibly short too. At most, there were 8-10 challenges in the whole thing. I managed to beat it in 10 minutes.

Also, FREAKING PROOFREAD. Why were there massive grammatical errors in your newspaper article? Why did the 2006 'calendar' contain only 7 days?

Sound: The music is droning, and honestly I just zoned it out around halfway through the game. It isn't absolutely horrible though, so there's something. However, the voice acting is certainly horrendous. Your two characters sound basically identical, except that CP has a smoking problem, and Ray is consistently monotone. If you aren't going to even try to "act" with your "voice", then just don't have voice acting segments.

Graphics: The house is incredibly inconsistent. Most of the house is incredibly clean and tidy, and completely non-threatening, which makes me wonder exactly what is supposed to be so scary about the place that people went crazy with fear. Then there's a weird dungeon, and the level above that appears to... be in space? There is absolutely no consistency. Was the architect who designed this on some sort of illicit substance at the time?

Your killer looks like some kind of bizarre Starfish-Joker hybrid, and the demons are utterly stock. Everything looks like it was taken from random pictures via Google Images, and clearly wasn't created by hand, as everything feels artificial and unnatural. It doesn't feel like an actual house.

This is "Manos" level bad. If you had worked even 1/10 as hard as you claim, this game might have been tolerable, even a little creepy. But nothing about the game delivers. The VA is just boring, and everything else is just stock.

Truly Shameful

This flash game has got to be one of the worst games ever made in the history of this website. Never have I seen such an uninspired concept so painfully and terribly executed. Every attempt at a jump scare was unnecessary and resulted in no more than a waste of time. The architecture of the house was broken and makes no sense whatsoever. The voice acting was dull, monotone, with absolutely no effort placed into it at all. If you ever decide to do a flash game like this, I recommend you put some actual effort into your voice acting, make an actual loading screen, read a couple books or watch some movies to learn how to actually frighten someone, and perhaps get some art lessons in order to create your own backgrounds instead of ripping off someone else's in a very unoriginal way. Also, think of actual puzzles. The ones in this game do not deserve to be even classified as puzzles.

Final Score: 0/10.