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Reviews for "The Death Trap"


The one star is for the little bit of music, the quality of anything that moved was beyond bearable. You happen to end up at a theater IN SPACE! and the voice acting was dull and sleep inducing.
Not many games can be WORSE then arise.

Voice Acting

You need a Nason-ex, my friend.

Come on, you can do better than this! It just seemed like this whole flash game was work to you, not just something made for fun. Next time (if there is a next time) just have fun with it. You talk about how "OMG HARD" you worked, but I don't see any real effort. In fact, it reminds me of one of those horrible science projects some kid made when he was too lazy to actually try.

Try and get some friends to help you with voice acting, or take a class that teaches you basic expression when you're doing stuff like this. If the fact that you were concealing an accent is what made it all so awkward, then let the Aussie inside of you flow! There's nothing wrong with accents; they're awesome as long as the words are clearly pronounced.

Like I said, this flash game shouldn't just feel like it was a big chore you had to do. Please put in more effort from now on. You don't have to spend hour after hour working your tail off on a game. It could be something you fiddle around with whenever you feel like it, so that when you are working on it you're more relaxed and patient with your product.

I hope this helped!

The Voice Acting.

Man, you have GOT to work on your VO. It's boring to listen to, the two characters sound so disconnected from the subject material, and everything is delivered at an extremely low growl. When he says "Let me out, you motherfucker" he should be YELLING it, rattling the bars in anger, not pitching it to himself in a silenced tone!

As a final side note, why is the bottom half of the house so pleasant and the top half not so much? It reminds me of a building in the middle of construction that never got finished, not a horror-filled nightmare. Pick an aesthetic style and stick to it, especially if it's supposed to be the same house and there's no real disconnect between the two parts.

God awful.

This is quite possibly one of the worst games I have ever played. Nonsensical and derivative story lines. 'Scares' out of a screamer game ten years ago. Stolen (And often awful) backgrounds. I decided to give you one pity point because you did put in voice acting, no matter how awful it is (I was waiting for you to do a reanacting of the 'They're eating her, and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GAWWWWWWWD!' scene from Troll 2 throughout.) and I figure that a game could be worse if someone really tried.

Things that could be improved on:

Voice Acting: It shouldn't sound like you put your script through a text to voice generator.
Backgrounds: Not stolen from wherever you could find them. More consistant (It shouldn't go from a photo to something out of an NES game). You could have tried to make the writing on the wall look like it was written on the wall rather than just airbrushed on with MS paint. That fire was god awful.
Puzzles: You don't need to say 'I wonder what the paper says' when you enter a room with a paper and nothing else so people know to look at the paper. Also. Just a little pet peeve, I would rather like some sort of citation for the "85% of serial killers are American" thing.
Length: I shouldn't be able to waltz through it in five minutes without even trying.

There are more problems, but i am too lazy to bother with the rest. I'll start on them when/if they are somehow fixed.

Is this a joke?!

seriously, most of this looks like you threw together pictures you found off of Google. The game tells you you what to do and it objects you need are very obvious. It looks like a nice normal home in the downstairs, and the upstairs it look like an old cliche asylum, but then it leads to some sort of underground-like tunnel without any stairs oranything else to get underground, an THEN it goes to a movie theater? that doesn't make sense?Also, this whole thing was like some bad copy of saw and the clown guy and the guy kidnapped had the same voice, they had no emotion, and the voiced talked over each other. There was no thought put into this.

Next time, try actually thinking about how the game it set up, make it a lot more challenging, and most importantly, get your own ideas, people WILL notice if you do that, its also illegal.
Overall, just put more thought and creativity in your games.
Have a nice day :)

Next time,