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Reviews for "The Death Trap"

That's it?

I thought everyone was being way harsh until I played
Good concept bad game
The graphics were not too bad
Voice acting was horrible
The game was way to easy with no story or really any point

not that great

Voice acting was annoying, and the death traps with quizzes were pretty lame.

Pretty Good

I thought the voice acting was decent, the graphics were good and I had fun playing. Really did remind me of Saw.


First and foremost, I played the entire game through, and I have a cable connection, so I'm not another kid whining because he can't wait long enough. While your method of informing might not have been as tactful as it could have been, I can understand your frustration; all that time and effort, just to recieve zeros because people don't have a brain.

What you did fairly well was create a sense of atmosphere. You had the right timing at the right time, which is why I continued to play through the game. It was intriging, I suppose, and so I felt compelled to continue; I wanted to see what happened. I think you have a natural knack for the genre, and if you keep working on it, I think you can produce some amazing stuff.

There were a lot of minor issues I had, but I'll focus on three. First and foremost, which you've already heard, there really isn't any originality here whatsoever. I mean, this IS Saw. I was hoping that at the end of the plot, there would be some sort of alternate motive for the killer, thus making this more than a Saw clone. Unfortunately, I was disappointed. The motive "because I want to" is pretty damn anticlimatic, man. The two things point and click games need to have (in my opinion) is plot and atmosphere. You've got the atmosphere, so work on plot a little.

The second thing was the voice acting. Someone said this very well in an earlier review; it sounds like someone trying to play D&D. I mean, we've all heard bad voice acting, but I'd prefer naturally bad to forced bad any day. The second the clown guy started talking in the beginning, I immediately thought, "wow, somebody was trying a BIT too hard." Just try and be a bit more natural.

Finally, the animations could use some work. The backgrounds were nice...but I'm willing to bet you didn't make them. And if you did, why make such great backgrounds, and then have shitty animations? The fireplace was pretty damn bad, all things considered, and the animations you used to be "scary," such as the zombie and the demon in the mirror, just weren't...scary. The key and the book obviously didn't fit in with the backgrounds either. Ultimately, it reminded me of someone taking a photo, and then drawing pictures on top of the photos with Paint. It didn't help the atmosphere at all.

Oh, actually, one more additonal thing. The game was pretty linear; there isn't many options or choices to add variety. Maybe work on that a bit.

Ultimately, however, I did enjoy it, and I look forward to future work. While you only get a 6/10, I am giving you a 5/5 to compensate for all the idiots who probably scored you a 0 just because they didn't wait for it to load. Good luck.

ramster83 responds:

Thanks for the great review- i love this sort of response which actually helps me to improve my work.

not bad

i think this was a pretty decent game, large file size tho, and i wouldve given you a higher overall if you hadnt been such a jerk to other people in reviews, you seem to jump down the reviewers throat and insult them if they give some critisicm, which is why i wont bother noting anything, because you'll do the same to me. i wouldnt object, if you werent such an idiot. good skills with animation tho, ill give you that.

ramster83 responds:

Im sorry i sound like an asshole but when you put so much work into something, you dont appreciate getting zeros because some people just wont wait for the game to load- its not fair and thats why i was annoyed...My game would have to be one of the lowest scoring "top 5" games ever and much of it isnt because of the game, but because of the size.