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Reviews for "The Tutorial Collab '06"

good job

glad to be part of the flash tutorial series! glad my audio is being used in these flashes, keep it up!



This was really good and helpfull it covered evrything.

and Fredean if something sucks tell why you N00b

It was very informative.

However, one suggestion. Next tutuorial, make it go right back to the beginner, intermediate, expert page etc. when you're done with a tutorial. That would make it easier.


your tutorial changed my life for ever
i now creatae really good games and flash stuff
im not going to load em up on newsground tho
thank you for doing this u,ve changed my life forever


and other people who are getting NaN, there is a fix:

On the first frame of the whole movie type in "_root.totalmoney = 0;", not just stop();.

What it actually does is that, the var and instance name of the dynamic text is "totalmoney", there it detects (Checks all frames) and Writes "0" onto the text box as the code is so soft we can modify it so if one hits a button the text changes.