This was some good quality work.
There isn't a way to Blam this.
Keep up the good work.
This was some good quality work.
There isn't a way to Blam this.
Keep up the good work.
It was cool
Reiminded me of Zombie Erik.The music stunk though.It got boring after the second level.and it could use some blood.Nice Try though.
So i was shooting away hoards and hoards of zombie morons...some ran fast...some ran slow....others were big....others were small....
in the end my pathetic lil gun even though it was upgraded to the MAXOR couldnt kill those lil yellow fuck tards....still fun
i give you a 3 out of wait a 4!!...yeah a 4!!!.....wait..............................................
..yeah a 4
W007 PH00D
N0Rm4llY, 1M N0t MUCH pH0r 35C0Rt 94m32 1n 15t P3R50n, 8Ut TH12 12 4 3X3pT10n
I let the zombies kill the princess!
I'm going to hell now! Muahahahahahah! Now onto the topic. Err, this flash isin't very good compared to your other work *cough Xunmato Alpha Knights cough* But then again, all of your games seem stale compared to it so I shouldn't complain. The gameplay is standard fare, shoot the baddies before they do something bad (which is killing the princess) so it feels a little been there, done that. Oh well, I guess.